A Joyous, if Cautious Return

Day 1,489, 11:51 Published in United Kingdom USA by Peregrine
ePeople of eUK and the wider New World, Greetings.

It has been a long time since I last walked among you, and I am quite pleased with much that has changed in the past 2+ years, although I've still quite a bit of exploring to do.

I shall, given time and some study, begin to reassert myself as a public figure while returning to my work in politics and economics.

I shall not, or at least have no plans to at the moment, make any attempt to promote Authoritarian political economy within the game as my early read on the evolution of the economic module within eRep is that such is probably not as ideal as it once may have been.

My interests now will focus more on the in-game financial markets and economic theory as well as communications and political theory; and shall not (as they never really have) focus on any element of military theory or practice unless I learn that the geo-political sphere and military module has improved to a level where it might necessitate my interest.

I encourage all to subscribe to my newspaper here, and to friend me if you have not already.

opes et potentiam - pater optime novit