A job well done (A interview with Israel Stevens)

Day 1,688, 18:48 Published in USA USA by DiabloGunner

Well tomorrow we will have a new President.
Admit it even if you don't like Israel Stevens he did a good job.

Now the Interview

Question-Do you feel like you did what you wanted to do?

Israel Stevens- Yes. We accomplished amazing things this month. I'm very pleased with how it went.

Question-What do you think of the candidates Evry and GloveisLove and who you think would do a better job?

Israel Stevens- There is no question in my mind who would do a better job. Evry is far and away more experienced than Glove. When he was President: He got us wiped. And he bankrupted the country. We spent MONTHS recovering from Glove's Presidency. We cannot afford to do that again. Evry has tons of experience, and has run just about every aspect of government. She is going to do great.

Question-What are your plans to do after the elections?

Israel Stevens- I'm actually going to Europe for 2 weeks in real life, which is why I didn't run for re-election ingame, I don't know what I'm going to do. take it easy for a bit. I have no set plans.

Question-Did you enjoy your time as POTUS, what did you enjoy most?

Israel Stevens- Yes, I really enjoyed it I liked the pressure to do well. and working with my amazing team. They all did an outstanding job.

Give a O7 to Israel Stevens for a job well done.