A Hungarian's Opinion of the Upcoming War

Day 600, 16:04 Published in USA USA by Chris Willson

Time for some more Hungarian thoughts! This time we (Shino and I) got something unexpected, a PM from a Hungarian citizen named Adrastheus. We asked him if we could publish the PM in this newspaper and he granted us permission so here it is (translated of course):

NOTE: Adrastheus says "I can understand you" because he's responding to a PM that Shino sent him which stated the reasons the reasons he's fighting for the eUS in the upcoming war. It's a pleasure to have Shino fighting on our side!

"I can understand you, but I think it's gonna be a fun war though. Anyway, in my opinion, the reason is not imperialism, it's rather the Hungarians' pessimism. In our negative, realistic way of thinking, we know that sooner or later our (Hungary's) status as the strongest nation in eRepublik will go down, so I believe, that all the Hungarians want to achieve something that will be remembered in the New World. Attacking, or better, conquering, the Mighty USA would definitely be something memorable. Many hungarians would quit this game if the peace went on too long because it's "boring". So, Kampec (President of Hungary) must not hesitate in attacking.

We also have to admit that our greatest ally, Indonesia, has a strong Muslim base, so they don't really like America. This means that the upcoming war is much more important for them that it is for us because of emotional reasons.

But what really matters is the fun, and trust me, Americans will enjoy this as well because this war will finally cure them out of "sloth" and idleness, the diseases which have infected this eNation (US) for long enough. This war may also generate a bigger baby-boom for you guys 🙂

You should drive people's attention up in your articles, that without wars, the frontlines would freeze, and after the liberation of the last occupied regions, this game will be interesting no more because of the lack of wars.

So, just let citizens think to this war as an opportunity of having fun!!

Bye, Adrastheus"


Shino's opinion: I was back in Hungary during the time of peace and this guy makes sense...

Chris' opinion: This guy makes a lot of sense. We all know that war is a huge part of this game and it's really fun and exciting because there's a chance to gain new regions and even some gold. The main region for attacking the Russian Far Eastern Region was to first, open the way to the rest of Asia and two, to gain a High Diamond region for the US.

An interesting thing that he said is: "that we know that sooner or later our (Hungary's) status as the strongest nation in eRepublik will go down". This idea is relative to RL and eRepublik. Every great world power has eventually been brought down to either their original level or lower. The Roman Empire, USSR, Britain, Mongolia, and Greece all fell after growing very large. The same will happen here, just as Romania grew very large (42 regions) they got taken apart piece by piece until they got down to their original regions once again. I don't doubt for a moment that the same may happen to Hungary.

The most important thing I got from this was that this upcoming war is all about HAVING FUN! Just remember that while we're battling it out with PEACE because none of this is real; it's simply a game.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy reading about what Hungarian's are thinking about. I believe this PM shows the attitude of many Hungarians and I personally like their attitude towards everything that's going on (besides the fact that they want to take us over and march towards our capital and maybe burn it down; that part I don't care for so much).

In the next article I'll be reporting about "The Last Day Before the Third World War" so stay tuned! With all the latest news I'm Chris Willson, proud Marine and proud eUS citizen, with my good friend Shino, telling you to remember to have fun. It's just a game.