A hobby of mines...

Day 743, 04:49 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

Not many of you know but besides having a massive interests in history of the Romans..

I really do enjoy astronomy, what's the whole point of this article? just me being bored and wanting to tell you about my secret interest =0

It started when i found out the size of the earth. Most people would think its huge when in fact its rather small.

Then when i compared the size of our sun to others my interest sparked again

(Our sun is 1 pixel in that picture)

Then there is Our Galaxy

The Earth Spins around the sun, the Sun spins around a black hole. It's just a lot of spinning 😛

Then there is the Universe...

It looks like a really crappy picture of colours right? wrong, Using our current technology we can see another 200 million Galaxies out there. some even spinning around each other...

Now in my mind, Space had to be the most awesome thing completely over everything. Compared to Space we were nothing but, after a while i found something which was better

It's more Beautiful
It's god dammed Sexy

It's the Philippines