A guide to your PEACE ally - eSerbia

Day 559, 11:26 Published in Serbia Serbia by eSerbian MoFA

It has been some time since eSerbia entered PEACE and a longer time still since it was introduced to this turbulent New World. Having established good relations with our countries that we have good relations in real life, it has been called to our attention that we are strangers to the better part of our allies. This article contains information on various aspects of our ambitious, yet troubled country. It is an attempt to build bridges. For the sake of being concise and palatable, the artile won't go into too much detail, and here at the Foreign Ministry of eSerbia we welcome all and any questions about our virtual homeland.

This is a first in a series article, describing our short but turbulent history. Since the article turned out way longer than expected, the history part of the guide to eSerbia will be published in two parts. Future articles will deal with other aspects of our country.

Some ancient History:
The first noticable concentration of eSerbs was in eAustria where we, as many others before us, took the reigns of power in our hands. This is the first time a Serbian community has gathered around one party and it proved our numbers and organisation to the admins, since they promptly anounced the introduction of eSerbia to the New World. On February the 12th, a couple of days before our statehood day in real life, eSerbia saw the light of day. After some "ambiguities" about eAustria's gold and local currency reserves' exact location, most people considering themselves Serbian moved to the long avaited country which they would finally be able to call home.

The troubles:
Our relationship with our neighbours (Romania and Croatia) and the admins has been strained at best since the very begining. Running a brand new country proved to be more difficult than a well-established one. We encountered some ususal and some rather unusal problems for a new country. We got a lot of oportunists, who created multies to bleed our national currency while we were unable to reduce the citizen fee. Some opted for the more lucerative option of opening companies, severely underpaying the employees and overpricing their products even more so. Speculation with our national currency on the MM was also unavoidable, and we had a rocky first couple of days until some normalcy was established.

The congretional success(?):
A larger than normal concentration of Croatian financial interests and players appeared next. Two TO parties followed, one Croatian, one, well we never identified that one to a satisfactory certainty, but Iran's name was dropped in this regard. As the first congretional elections drew closer we grew more nervous since there was only 200 eligible voters - a number just small enough to be volunarable to a TO. A bitter media and political battle ensued. Among other things the Croatian TO party changed their name to look like the Serbian party (just added a full-stop at the end) in a bid to steal voters. Later they released a pletora of misleading articles, in one of which they said that our party was taken over by Croats and that they are the real Serbian party. Heated comments, and a lot of banns (multies, flamers, etc) followed.

The Serbian party emerged victourious by the slimmest of margins: 22 votes to 18. While the Croatians proposed damaging laws, we celebrated and started passing laws that benefited our citizens (citizen fee, taxes, moving the money to a "safer" location, etc). Out of several TO attempts during those elections eSerbia was the only country that managed to defend itself. The fact that by the end there were over 400 cast votes (a 200% voter turnout rate) just goes to show how epic this political battle was, and how proud we were for winning it.

The troubles, continued:
Alas, there's no sleep for the wicked! In a moment of anger, our sole presidential candidate flamed a Croatian player in a personal message. The recepient saved the message and reported our candidate which landed him a permanent ban (due to him already having forefit points at the time because of another matter). The ban couldn't have came in a more unoportune moment: just a couple of hours into the first presidental elections. Thus, a Croat became eSerbia's first president by default. Political instability followed, a new goverment without the president was formed, then later reformed, our national companies got stolen, people in the congress got banned or quit the congress resulting in our loss of a majority.

The False War:
The Croatian president soon after decalred war to Croatia and attacked their original teritory in order to activate their Atlantis MPPs. After that they proceded to attack our territories one after another, and "our" president hapily pressed the "Retreat" button each time. Four territories including our HIGH GRAIN territory were capitulated by the cowardly president. The fifth fell without a retreat because the patriotic forces of our young eCountry were no match for the Atlantis war machiene. The Croats then attacked our sixth territory but retreated, keeping their options to attack us and retreat over and over again. We were made into an Atlantis wargame without our consent.

(end of part 1)