A Guide To The Presidential Election

Day 592, 08:20 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

Rather than make an article outlining why I'll vote for Nithraldur and discredit his opposition, I will instea😛 present you with the candidates, encourage people to get to the ballots on election day and wish them all the best of luck. You will notice this is a lot like an article Vyse (the deceased IUP founder) would make at election time and I write this to keep up his monthly tradition and in memory of a dearly missed citizen. I will do my best to be as unbiased as possible.

This will be the incumbents fifth Presidential bid and if elected, his fourth term in office. He is one of eIrelands most experienced citizens and has been an active here all his e-life (except for two weeks in his native Belgium). The younger and long time Congressman Severin has been his Vice President for two months now and will continue as Nith's running mate. Due to Severin's real life difficulties Nithraldur was a late nomination and as such the incumbent didn't campaign and is running on his previous mandates to present eIreland with a choice on election day. None the less, here are some key articles by Nithraldur and Severin:
Severin Announcing Nithraldur
A Message From Nithraldur
A Recent Interview With The President
An Article Reflecting On The Election By Severin

Starks Hayter
The ISRP Party President and long time Congressman will once again be heading the opposition this month. He has been an active citizen in eIreland all his e-life and is one of the most prominent citizens to have arrived from the 'babyboom' generation. He is once again running with esteemed politician and friend Aran Tal. Starks Hayter managed to secure the endorsement of three other parties including the Irish Freedom Party, Ireland First and the Irish Efficiency Party. The opposition have toned down the magnitude of their campaign this month and are running on many of the same issues as last month. Here are some of their key campaign articles:
A Message From Starks Hayter
Five Promises Article by Aran Tal
IFP Endorsement

Before making a choice I encourage all voters to read the articles above and the debates in the comment section (granted debate has been almost none existent this month). If you want to know more about their platforms I suggest you look up last month's campaign trail. We were fortunate in the sense this election has been a lot cleaner than previous months.

It is very important you show up to vote tomorrow and express your democratic right (all it takes is a few clicks) and I hope you all make your voices heard.

Best of luck to all candidate's running.