A grim future, but not an impossible one.

Day 617, 21:39 Published in Israel USA by Aeroner

Here is my projection of what will happen in the coming weeks in eRepublik:

I was recently looking at the eGobba map.What I noticed was that 1/5 of the United States is currently under the occupation of PEACE. Russia lost many states, and and in the first hours of the North Dakota battle, the Canadians have already made it to Underground. If they can keep it up, they can secure a huge foothold before Russia has time to react. There is also a resitance war in Tennesse. It was started by PerfesserBB. Thanks to Hitman, who delt over 13k damage to the wall, the United States is winning by a landslide in Tennesse. I think that America will have pushed Portrugal out of the states by the end of the week, or sooner. As for Russia, they are not to be underestimated. They have secured their position in the United States. I don't think the United States will get those states back anytime soon. Not unless they launch an offensive, which is not likely. Meanwhile, Russia and Indonesia will probably move forward. Once they secure Texas and Kansas, the states west of them will be unatainable until PEACE is weakened considerably. I project that within the next 2 weeks,all the states west of Texas and Kansas will fall. I have a feeling Texas and Kansas will be a part of those that fall.

I know, it's looking grim. But I don't think that is the end of it just yet. I think by the next week, all states west of Missouri will fall into PEACE's hands. Also, many Canadian regions will probably fall. The only hope for Cananda is it's fortress state, Ontario. If Canada cannot hold off the horde here, they will be utterly destroyed, just giving PEACE more power. But if PEACE conquers Missouri, Lousiana, Arkansas, and Iowa and all the states west of them, I think the offensive will come to a grinding halt. By then they will have wasted much of their gold. But that is only if America puts up a fight.

That's right America. If you do not fight the hardest you can now, and you wait for them to come to New Jersey and Florida, then you will probably end up losing the entire war. If you do not put up much of a fight, then PEACE won't be wasting any resources. It'll just be easy as cake for them. By the time they get to Florida and New Jersey, they will have already mustered enough gold they would have wasted fighting you off in the minor states.

But if you do fight them off as hard as you can, it doesn't matter if you lose or win( although winning is preferable). They will be wasting their strength. They will be exhausted. By then, you will be able to fend them off at NJ and Florida. And you will be able to push them back. You will not be able to take back all your states. That's for sure. But it will make PEACE regroup. Then, your leaders will have to make a tough decision. Do you attack PEACE while they are weaker, or do you cut your losses and mend things back home? Like your economy, and bringing back the eAmericans that are still under occupation. Or do you attack PEACE, which will proabably give you back some of your states, but you are weaker next time for when PEACE finally regroups? That's another thing. PEACE will not just go away or stop attacking the US. They have made it clear what their intentions are. And although some of you may not like to admit it, PEACE is incredibly powerful, and their leaders know how to fight a war. They will not be destroyed like any other alliance. The only way PEACE could possibly be destroyed to a point of know return is if it destroys itself from the inside. And PEACE will defintely not go away with Fortis and EDEN fighting for different causes. If Fortis and EDEN really cared about the future of the world, they would join forces. They may not be on the winning team, but they could have a fighting chance.

So I ask a question to the leading Presidents of EDEN and Fortis. Don't you think what your citizens have suffered is enough? Don't you think they are tired of having to leave their states because their leaders can't swallow their pride?Don't you think it's time to start thinking about the future of the entire world instead of the future of your own country? That the fate of the many is more important than the fate of the few?

I've seen many people in America who think they will win the war just because PEACE is evil and evil never wins and having their leaders say inspiring speeches. No, it will not work that way. PEACE will win unless you get your butts into gear.

I will always keep this idea in mind, but, Mr Presidents, will you?