A Great Victory For eIsrael

Day 1,076, 09:04 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

eIsrael has achieved a great victory today. Today the Knesset and people have spoken to prevent the old guard from jeopardizing our nations future in the name of politics. Today the Knesset voted 23-8 in favor of maintaining a Bilingual active forum to support our growing community. 31 of the 33 Active KMs voted a remarkable turnout for eIsrael. This just goes to show how much activity has increased within our country and how the community is finally reinvigorating itself with new life and discussion.

Of course as per eIsraeli nature the vote has already been condemned. They said it was rigged which is impossible unless you reset the poll or that the results would be different if it was in FXP? Well obviously if the entire FXP community voted it would be different but this was a Knesset Vote that everyone claimed we needed to make the forums Legitimate.

I promised in my Presidential address to put the forums to a Knesset vote as soon as the Knesset had a proper place to discuss and vote on the matter. The forums I made helped them with that.

But what I really important today is eIsraelis voted as eIsraelis. They did not vote as some giant "Hebrew Speaking Blob or English Speaking blob."

If all Hebrew speaking KMs voted against the proposal it would of lost. Clearly that didnt happen and people voted as individuals not as zombies.

Again people will try desperately to gain from this by saying the vote was split evenly and it just shows the sharp divide in the country. Which couldnt be FARTHER from the truth. They will also like to make you believe these forums ahve been "A Thorn In Our Sides" despite the writer of that article having one of the highest post counts on these forums.

English and hebrew speakers alike voted together to protect this nations future and progress despite what theyre so called leaders and FXP preach to them and tell them to do. They realized that moving to an old dead forum where no ones post in weeks and thats buggy with no administrators and not bilingual would be stupid and set eIsrael back.

Now I want to make this forum welcoming to everyone. Thats my duty as president to create a welcoming community for all.

So I asked to hear from the people who voted NO why they did so?

You guys want to hear the great evil that has been dividing our nations for so long???!!

They thought the logo was too big........

....and too many sub forums.

The great division in eIsrael over forums was the size of the Israeli Flag. No not that the forum was hebrew friendly enough cause the default language is Hebrew and all forums,groups and other internal aspects are completely translated. And we have an administrative board made up of hebrew and English Speakers. No that was the problem the Flag was too big.

Again what annoys me is when people talk about why they dont use the forum they generalize that their opinions are the opinions of EVERY Hebrew speaker. We need to lose this generalization and blob like mentality. Plenty of native hebrew speakers use the forum and have no problem with it. Posting in Hebrew English or both and theres no problem with that.

But it is Absolutely ridiculous. I will change it to help them but sub forums are there to keep the forum organized so everything has a place and can easily be found instead of being lost in pages and pages of threads. This set up is how every eNation set up is for their forums and its clearly been working for us based on Knesset Activity.

We will still like to hear more from people who voted No. We want to help everyone feel comfortable at the forums but again sometimes making one person more comfortable makes 10 uncomfortable. We need to be reasonable.

Now with this issue out of the way we can finally begin to move forward in eIsrael...Hopefully...

Now in other news some of you know I fired Perfect Knight as MoFA yesterday. I will go into more detail about that later because its not worth ruining this article only to make his ego even bigger.

New Tax Reform Legislation is coming through Proposed by John jay a KM. I have expressed my support on the issue and hope to see it pass through the Knesset ASAP in an attempt to decrease food prices and the cost of living which so many eIsraelis have complained about and boost the economy.

The Knesset Immigration Committee Has been renamed to the Knesset Interior Committee to correspond with the Ministry of the same name and to deal with a wider variety of issues besides Immigration that might not of been covered properly by the other Committees. As some of you know I reorganized the executive branch to 4 stable permanent ministries. Former eIsraeli governments used to have a dozen or so useless Ministries they didnt even know the names too but where their simply to give people a position and title for theyre support. The new Ministry system streamlines things easily.