A Great Compromise

Day 464, 15:22 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

Good Afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

While I was sitting in my American Constitutional Foundations class today I was also thinking about our nation in the eWorld. I was plotting through several of the proposals that I had announced and realized the difficulty and the amount of risk being taken in one specific area.

Many of Radim's supporters agree with him that I am trying to establish some sort of communist state. First and foremost this is not true. I am preparing for an economic revitalization that adds more government control. I am not trying to destroy our economy, I am not trying to take it over completely, and most of all I am not trying to eliminate the free market.

The benefit of having discussions and arguments with the people of the nation is in an attempt to open one's eyes about your own beliefs and strategies for bettering your work. Radim, although he is a good person overall, does not like change. He likes everything to stay the same and will be vehemently against anything that is slightly different from his party's platform. I am not that style of candidate. I listen to people with the expectation that I am going to be making amendments to my plans, changing them, or completely redeveloping them. This is what I am here talking to you today about.

Under my original plan I was for acquiring several businesses and running them in a way that I felt best suited for the nation. Upon further discussion with people in my party, former collegues in Pakistan and China, opponnent's discussions, and friends in my business classes in college, is that this is probably not the best way to go.

What I would like to hear from you all is opinions on this. Under my presidency I will be creating National Companies. Some of you might be thinking this is exactly the same thing but I must disagree. My original plan was as if I was taking a chizel and hammer into a brain surgery. What I feel this country needs is one, or two, companies in the field of Grain, Lumber, and/or Housing that will compete with the Free Market. I will be working with all of the other companies as well in an attempt to allow everyone to grow at the same time, while having a failsafe company always present.

Beyond that, is the general consenus on 25-35 VAT 30-45 Import and 10-20 Income an agreeable amount for taxes?