A Good Month Is Coming!

Day 866, 14:42 Published in South Korea Belgium by jackdaknife

A good month for South Korea indeed. After last months elections and then the hacking of Spade things were starting to look alittle glum. South Korea WAS in a panic which was damaging to Korea. The only runner for president, it seemed the only one with enough guts to drive this fragile country in the right direction was hacked and taken away from us. And why? No one really knows why this happend, for fun? For the lulz? Indeed no lulz were to be had for the nation and it's inhabitants.

But, after all that crap we have heros amoung men rising who are stepping up to the plate, ready to fight for a position in the political side of South Korea, and I can't see any PTO groups or any attempt to worsen this loved nation. This my dear citizens this is such a relief.

I bid all the runners a good fair try to be put in the driving seat. Good luck!
