A Good Defense is More Than Just Duelin'

Day 1,325, 11:52 Published in USA USA by Glove
So a few days ago I was pretty intent on just dropping the game all together, but I guess I'm just going to keep a low-profile and not take any roles instead of leaving cold-turkey. 2-clicking and an occasional article will be my thing I guess >>>

I mean, all these pms were pretty convincing and they moved my heart to be honest.

Add about the +40 more I got and I don't think anyone could say no to them. ;3


ONE is p gay
Also, ONE is pretty homo, just saying, they have a hard-on for gangbangs and thats pretty disturbing, I mean, they can't date someone 1v1 like normal civilized people? I know America is pretty hot and Brozil too, but its a sausage-fest ONE, score a chick 1v1, be real men, no one likes a bunch of hairy and desperate liseliler 🙂

Last Stand

Also, Servs are getting to close to our bro China so the Chinese are going to go out and fight them.

China vs Serbia, round 2.

My money is on China, the last time the Servs came around they got pwned. This time, as we all already knew, the new gay order is trying to have a sausage-fest again, but this time in China. Of course, China doesn't swing that way, and even though China is the last nation of Eden and Terra that has not fallen, I'm predicting a repeat of this, just in more epic proportions:

Credit to Kriny for China images
