A Golden Moment, A Golden Opportunity

Day 827, 19:52 Published in South Africa South Africa by SAGP Communications Department

A new day awaits, a day that holds as much promise as the day this party was created. The South African Gold Party stands ready again, ready to take on the challenges for the better of our country and society in the coming term.


We have shown in recent days, that we are not content with current affairs, that we will fight injustice, and that we will not accept a threat to our democracy and our society. We have been loud in this, and so have others. As largest party in eSouth Africa, our involvement in congress and commitment to the greater good of our people is key in pushing for improvements that benefit our society.

There is a Chinese proverb that says "pure gold does not fear furnace."

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_heFXrxNMdPk/S4XjTKCYkeI/AAAAAAAAA78/cCFMO4znrv8/GoldenFurnace.jpg" align="right" title="Golden Furnace" width="150">Rest assured dear citizens, that we will not back down. We will represent you, the people of eSouth Africa, and we will work hard to ensure a Golden Future for our beloved country.

We are honored in these elections by having Max Rand, veteran of eSA, run for congress again. Max Rand has greatly served his country in the military - he is former Commanding Officer of the Assegai. Prior to his military efforts, he served in congress twice. He really is a great asset to this country, and I ask that you support him in returning to congress to represent and serve the people there once more.

So, here follows a list of sanctioned candidates

Please vote for our prime candidates as early as possible in the day. Links are provided next to each, to provide you with a presentation or background.

Please do not vote for secured candidates - they already have enough votes! Thank you!

Prime wingfield - presentation
Prime Balon Swann
Backup Kakseshu
Secured jaccil - Stand Up for Democracy
Secured Calew - presentation
http://lh6.ggpht.com/_heFXrxNMdPk/S4X6S7BByzI/AAAAAAAAA8g/iNc7G63IwHI/voting-SAGP.jpg" align="right" title="VOTE SAGP" width="300">
Free State
Prime Max Rand - veteran
Prime Enbaros - presentation
Backup arqam - presentation
Backup Joseph Rich - presentation

Eastern Cape
Prime Harrin - presentation
Secured Aden Silverleaf - presentation

Prime J Warren - presentation
Prime Nick Jones - newspaper

Prime Red_Knight - newspaper
Prime Trevor Swart

North West
Prime Ari Lumumba - presentation
Prime valestani - presentation

Northern Cape
Prime Gert Steenkamp - presentation
Prime brinn10 - presentation

Consider Carefully
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_heFXrxNMdPk/S4XjTHaHabI/AAAAAAAAA74/Vky9KEFxC5s/GoldenHeart.jpg" align="right" title="Golden Heart" width="150">
I ask you now, loyal citizens, to consider our actions, our proposals, and our commitment. I ask you to consider, carefully, who you want in congress to represent you. I trust your heart is made of gold!

We will strive to ensure that appropriate measures be put in place secure the safety and survival of our eNation.

Immigration Issues

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_heFXrxNMdPk/S4XwS2Ls3RI/AAAAAAAAA8Y/9ZQ7dXFMGaE/GoldenBabies.jpg" align="right" title="Golden Babies" width="150">I want to see the service in the Immigration Office improved, a lot! This office is not doing nearly enough to assist valuable players waiting to be accepted and integrated in our community. I have had so many PMs from people on this list saying how frustrated they are with the process. I also believe those people who have been identified as RL SAns who started in Gauteng or the Western Cape, should not face unnecessary delays.

I have seen many such a young citizen dying while waiting for approval and assistance, without response for weeks. Some people have to apply 3 or 4 times before we, the members of congress, start making a noise about it. These people are valuable to our society and we need to get things changed! The SAGP will commit itself to this cause, because we believe these new citizens are our future!

If you have been through this process, or if this is a concern to you, then please consider voting for one of our candidates.

We will address the issue in an open letter to the president, Mark Morcom. If this fails to improve the issues, we will be arranging a sit-down strike in the Immigration Office, until such matters have been addressed.

Taxation and the Economy

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_heFXrxNMdPk/S4XtdwpVHBI/AAAAAAAAA8Q/pIo3tB1WaSk/GoldenEconomy.jpg" align="right" title="Golden Economy" width="150">Company owners in eSouth Africa are finding it extremely difficult to compete with international suppliers. This has led to the closing down of manu manufacturing companies, and job losses. We have many experienced company managers in Gold Party, and some very experienced ones running for congress this term. The issue is not only bad for the company managers, but also for the employees of eSouth Africa with salaries in manufacturing having dropped greatly due to an oversupply of skill and shortage of companies able to offer competitive salaries.

We will be addressing these issue in congress this term, to find the appropriate economic or taxation solution to this problem. Enoch Root (Chairmain of the RBSA) and Tronyx (Minister of Trade) have been hard-working, long serving members of congress. Ari Lumumba is also the deputy in the MoT, managing various companies in his personal capacity. Between these members of the Gold Party, you will find an enormous amount of expertise in the areas of finance, economics, and trade. We will be working with them to find a strategy that will benefit our economy in the long run, and changes required by such a strategy to congress.

Please also see Wingfield's presentation in this regard - he is greatly experienced in these area and congress, and knows exactly what he's talking about.

If you are a struggling company owner in eSouth Africa or have otherwise been affected by the problems faced in our economy, then please consider voting for one of our candidates.


http://lh3.ggpht.com/_heFXrxNMdPk/S4Xs5ZHoxFI/AAAAAAAAA8I/c5zXZV2WdXs/GoldenShoes.jpg" align="right" title="Golden Way" width="150">As mentioned above, we have great expertise within the Gold Party in the areas of finance, economy and trade. We will be sharing such expertise with company managers, employees, and newer players. If you would like someone to show you the way to success, then please consider supporting us and contact us to arrange for a mentor.

Enoch Root has also started giving lectures in various topics of interest. We will strive to continue this initiative and want to know what other topics you would like see presented. Should you be interested, please get in touch and keep an eye on this newspaper!

Golden Handshake

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_heFXrxNMdPk/S4Xtd0oqNqI/AAAAAAAAA8M/wBT_qdmXWJQ/GoldenHandshake.jpg" align="right" title="Golden Heart" width="150">If any of these interests appeal to you, then please team up with us and support us in the congress elections. The more votes we get, the better the guarantee to get these changes implemented. Should you want to discuss any of these topics, or others, please send any of our candidates a private message.

I have faith in this team of candidates, and I trust that you will too. We are there to represent you, the people of eSouth Africa!

Vote SAGP For a Golden Future

Thank you for your time, effort and support!


Congressman for Limpopo
Party President of the South African Gold Party
Captain of the Pretorian Guard Second Company

Join the South African Gold Party!