A Galaxy, far, far away! [5 or 4]

Day 694, 11:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ryan Taylor

Hello again!

Only one thing inspired me to writing a new article!

No, not the Swedish.
No, not Wingfield
No, not my greatness

"Selling Q3 food company, 90 gold with over 100 stock!"

Did they mention is comes with two perfectly dead hard workers and 0.0 stock and 0.01 grain?


Now I need to think on the spot.. What to right.

Info>Military Stats>Active Wars>UK vs Sweden>Details>Battlefield>Fight!

Ofcourse, the Swedish attack on Midgetland! There comes a time when we all need to fight for our land. Even though it offers hardly no resources and hardly anything to fight for. But there is one thing. Pride. We take great pride in our lands and would do anything to keep them.

Fight in Midgetland in the next few hours!

Tune in next time!
