A fresh start for eCanada in 2010

Day 732, 17:49 Published in Canada Canada by Chamrajnagar

Having already declared my intent to run for the office of Prime Minister in January, I am looking to gather more information from the people of eCanada on what they want to see in government.

As mentioned in the first article, I have set up two forms to gather information.

The first form, located here, is where you can tell me about the eCanadians you think will do the best job in my Cabinet. I ask that you please rank their skills honestly. Any score that is perfect in every category (other than my charming self of course) will likely be disregarded.

The second form, located here, is where you can tell me about all your great ideas that you'd like to see implemented in eCanada. Got a problem with the way things are done? Give me an alternative! See something lacking? Point it out! All I ask is that if it is a serious idea, that you leave your profile link so that I can contact you further about it.

I have set up a forum here for those who are interested in asking questions or showing their support. This will also be the discussion medium I will use with my future ministers while compiling my platform. I am looking at finalizing the Cabinet shortly after the Decmeber presidential elections, so if you are interested in a position, please let me know through either the forms, or via PM.

Finally, I am looking for more campaign volunteers to help me over the next month and a bit. If you want to help usher in a new era of politics, please send me a message!

I look forward to working with all of you, both during the next month and for many more to come,
