A Forbidden Love: No longer forbidden.

Day 1,663, 14:19 Published in Japan Japan by Amamiya Haruhi

Establishing a Backstory:

I have a forbidden love deep in my heart that I could never let out, something I didn't want to let out because of fear of the consequences, but something I found similar to the former relationship between my dear friends. The person whom I loved with all my heart was a childhood friend of mine that I had met years ago. We played together when we were young, we had fun, and I was always the protective older sister type. When I started getting involved in political rallies rather than searching for mysteries and aliens, this person was still there. They stood beside me for the duration of these adventures through both the good and the bad and followed me near and far. Eventually, I disappeared, and we lost touch for a long period of time. When I came back, I found the feelings that had been building up and suppressed from our inability to see each other welling up in an instant and spilling out before me. Disappearing, running away to distant lands, exploring the world, and almost dying had only made our relationship stronger. I vaguely remember the times when we would go to the family house in Hokkaido as children and play around by the lake, catching fishes, and laughing as we played around the yard which was quite sizeable as my family owned a large plot of land out in the countryside pretty far from major cities. I had arrived in Hokkaido when I was young, fresh from the the larger island and my home city of Nishinomiya, and I had found a friend who would always stick to their guns and be with me forever and forever.

The Recent:
I suppressed my feelings, I didn't let it be known, and I hid them for the person to whom the affection was directed. I became engaged and married to Nowe for mostly political reasons and for the sake of assuming a title. While I cooperate with my 'eHusband' regularly and communicate with him and create activity and vibrant life where I can, trying to make eJapan better just like he dreams of doing... I still found myself conflicted. Our relationship felt like one more of politics and business rather than compassion and love. While I have modest feelings, small as they may be, towards my eHusband... I found myself wilting like a flower headed to death. I couldn't suppress my feelings anymore, and I couldn't hide them... so I stopped doing it, and I stopped hiding them. I let it all out and admitted the way I felt to the person I felt it towards. I let everything out, made them hear out every word of it and confessed my love. I blushed, I felt embarrassed, I repented for fear that I would look stupid for suddenly putting forth these feelings despite our relationship all these years. This was when my childhood friend decided to set foot in my residence in Aoba... where I've been staying since becoming an Imperial Princess.

Because sometimes, you have to take that step forward...

After confessing my feelings, I kissed them deeply and put all my emotion into it. My childhood friend felt it and understood, but was confused. I offered them a way out: run away with me for awhile and search your feelings while you're away with me. I hope you'll give me your answer with time.

So, we ran away, and we ran back to Hokkaido where my family house is. We talked, we laughed, we played, we had fun, and we experienced something new... we loved.

Because caressing the one you love and care for is the greatest feeling in the world, especially waking up to their smiling face...

We realized that the feeling was mutual, and my childhood friend admitted to feeling the same to me by using Zero no Tsukaima's Opening Song 'I SAY YES' as a means of confession and acceptance, the lyrics intertwining with important meaning to make me understand that they meant it.

The childhood friend of whom I speak of is no other than Yagami Mii.

I found that we should take our love to the maximum level allowable, and promise to be by each other's side forever. The love that we wanted to consumate, that we wanted to last forever and ever and never give up on.

Because happiness isn't just based on material possessions, wealth, and titles...

...and because love unlocks and awakens powerful emotions...

So, we decided it was time... we decided to take our love to the ultimate level and stay together forever. We took the liberty of having Squibeel perform the ceremonies and in a heartfelt and emotional couple of moments expressed our feelings, welled up deep inside, at the ceremony. We passionetly kissed many times and I carried Mii out and gave her a danchou armband of her own so we could match. All of our friends, the ones that knew about it and cared, came to attend and see our love come to fruition.

So I am now happy to announce that Yagami Mii is my 'eWaifu / eWife'. Forever and ever, happy as can be, looking off into the sunset with a tint of optimism in our view... I love you, Mii-chan.

Because happy endings do come if you try hard enough for them...

P.S. Nowe, I'm still not technically divorced to you~