A fighter enters the ring

Day 698, 17:48 Published in USA Austria by Alex Lorre

Okay so everyone has seen my funny platform by now that is going to, so I figure it's time to release an actually serious one.

I'm not going to lie, I am not one of the smartest and most informed congressmen up for election this month. However, I do believe that I have my own interesting perspective and set of moral standards that I hope to bring with me to congress.

I plan to continue my high activity level that I have maintained on the party and individual level with me into the congressional level. I will vote on every piece of legislation proposed and I will attend any and all committee meetings necessary and various other optional meetings.

I also plan to use my friendly comedic nature to win over my fellow congressmen to the best of my ability to speed along any issues being discussed and get support for whatever legislation I will be supporting. This game is all about having fun and making friends and I plan to do that in congress whenever possible.

At the same time however I am very set in my belief that there it is unacceptable to lie or kiss up to people who are preaching something I don't believe and to stand up for what I do believe until the very end, even if I end up defeated. If someone is trying to argue something I disagree with I won't hesitate to say so and stand firm in heated debate if need be.

That is my overall plan but I'm sure some people are curious what my stance in certain sectors is going to be. Well listen up and you shall find out!

Domestic Policy
I am a proud supporter of beginner player helping plans like the Job Corps championed by congressman Jude Connors. I plan to do everything in my power to help Jude get this program going and keep it going as it provides assistance to beginning skill 0 players who are in the critical stage that determines whether or not they will stay in the game or not and, of course, we want to do everything we can to make sure they choose to stay.

Foreign Policy
When it comes to foreign policy I have a no toleration policy for imperialism and I won't stand for the breaching of another countries territorial integrity. However, I believe strongly in defending the weak from PEACE aggression and fear tactics and making sure small nations territorial integrity is protected. I also fully support the use of resistance wars to liberate regions held by occupying nations so long as it is done in coordination with and with permission of the territory's original nation. There are probably other things I could say about foreign policy (seeing as it is my favorite issue) but I will let it stand that overall my policy is strictly anti-imperialist.

I am against all VAT taxes. I also really don't like income taxes but I know that they are one of the main income sources for the eUS government so as long as they are low they can at least be used to fund good projects that will help those that are paying for them. Import taxes are another tax that, while I am against, I do recognize some marginal benefits of. Aside from VAT, the issue of taxes will depend on the specific amount and field they are proposed in so I can only make broad statements like those above but you can count on me to fight to keep them as low as possible.

I am a big supporter of transparency in government. Congressmen need to be forced to take responsibility for their votes and stand up and defend why they voted why they did. The people have the right to know what their government is doing.

There are other issues I'm sure that I would be more than willing to tell you about should you wish to ask. However, that is all that I could readily think of at the moment. I hope that my ideas find a place in the thoughts of the voters whom I hope to represent. And with that I shall conclude this platform speech!

So please vote for me, Alex Lorre, to represent you in the eUS congress for Iowa!