A few updates

Day 1,207, 17:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby
Hey all!

Conscientious that I haven’t released an article in a while; consider this a renewal of contact or something 😛. Had a busy few months so haven’t had much time to get things together, so consider this a Russian redemption tax or something (A2 revision going to my head).

UKRP Party Presidency

Yes! I’ve decided, since I lost any signal in the Scottish highlands thanks to a collapsed mast so I couldn’t renew my term in Congress, to focus my efforts on the UKRP itself. Enclosed in the UKRP Party Forums is my manifesto! I hope you all get a chance to read it.


Coming up tomorrow is the next NNA release! Lots of updates and awards to be handed out to fill in the lost time. If you have any submissions you’d like to see appear, or perhaps suggestions for awards, please feel free to send me a PM.


Last term, a suggestion was made when I was Minister of Culture for a Panam themed competition (designs for a logo, motto, e.t.c.). I will be making a few threads on the external eUK forums later tomorrow with a few competitions with prizes (?!) to be won. I hope to see a few interesting contributions 🙂.

Thanks for reading!

Sir Humphrey Appleby.