A few thoughts on the ANA

Day 693, 14:43 Published in South Africa South Africa by Philip Francis Exavier Esquire

Dear ANA members, and fellow eSouth Africans,

With the Party President Elections coming up, I as the leaving Party President have a few things to recap.

I feel as though I've made progress for this party politically, with the help of many active members, and that this last month has seen great strides forward with the ANA's relationship with eSouth Africa. Granted, we have lost members, the number of seats in the congress that we possesed has declined since the elections, and we endorsed *shudders* Mossad for Country President. Even with those failures, we have made noticable advancements.

1.Without Ajay as Party President, we were able to get more people into our congress.
2.We were able to move forward, working to get past the situation in which we were a hated group in eSA.
3.We have shown that we are serious about eSA, and that we are commited to her well being.

All of these things have been awsome, and party members who have been active on the forums of eSA, and who have voted conscienciously, I applaud you.

However, I am stepping down. Many of you will have noticed that I have not decided to run again for the Position of Party President. While I absolutely loved the job and the opportunities it offered, I beleive that the interests of our party, and all parties, are best served by having a new face every month, to better meet the challanges and issues presented them with fresh eyes.

This being said, I would like to formally, and entirely endorse one ANA member, who has had tremendous succes. He has struck the heart of our party like a lightning bolt, bright and powerful. He has shown committment to the party, and to our nation. He has one of the few elected positions, and a places on the cabinent that the ANA enjoys.

Ladies and gentlemen, Stormclouds is your man.

Exilious and George Silver, I realize that you too have worked hard to get where you are, to get to the position in which you feel secure running for Party President, however I urge you. In this election, it will be you three versus Ajay, not a free for all. As much as we dislike to admit it, many in this party will vote however Ajay tells them to. To counteract this, and to make the elections fair, more even and fun, I encourage you to all consolodate your ballot.

Run together under one man's banner, and I assure you, you will do better than you would on your own.

Best regards, Best wishes, and Best of luck,


P.S. eSA rocks. Long live our nation!