A fall for Canada's freedom

Day 1,961, 16:01 Published in Canada Spain by SSPoseidon

Author: SSPoseidon

Date Publishe😛 April 3, 2013 Day 1, 961

Yesterday, Quebec fought a battle against Spain. We lost, but we must still fight. We must put a hole in Spain's defences so that we can continue our efforts to fight Spain off of our beautiful land.

The main group battling Spain is called the "Royal Canadian Reserves". Join and fight with them, as I have. Because if we want a better tomorrow, we have to act today to stop the things that make our lives miserable.

The current president of Canada "Homer J Simpson" promised us in a newly released article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-cp-canada-our-time-will-come--2239427/1/20 that we have to be patient and wait to get our freedom. And I agree, but some provinces/territories have been under Spain's rule for over 50 days. And that may not seem much, but it is terrible for the people who are living there.

So I hope that you fight for Canada's freedom so that we can once again become a proud country of freedom and prosperity.
I wish you all a good day.
Thank you for reading.