A dedication to all of my friends

Day 1,411, 08:30 Published in Belgium Switzerland by Prophexy

I am not leaving Belgium any time soon, but I would still like to make this article to show my appreciation to the top people in my eLife that have helped me through rough patches and just been there for me.

Monsieur Guillontine: You have been a true friend to me through thick and thin, and have been there to talk to me whenever I was having a rough time. I hope you enjoy Switzerland and make some great friends and have fun! 🙂

Jofroi: One of my first real friends on eRepublik, when I came back from my long break from here you were the one I hoped to see the most. Me love you long time, my best dictator friend 😉

Konrad Neumann: You are one of the best friends someone can ask for online, or even offline I'm sure. You have been there to help me through thick and thin. You are one of the most caring individuals I have ever spoke with, and I do love you 🙂.. Plus you're THE best politician I have ever spoke with

Chew-Chew-Shoe: There's no way to describe you. You are just awesome in all aspects and I admire you and think you're one of the best people in the eWorld. I love spending time talking with you, and I hope we can continue to talk for a long time 😃.

Fhaemita Malodorous: You are one of the best politicians I have ever had the opportunity to do business with. You speak your mind, no matter what the consequences and I love it. Your ambition to change Belgium for the good is admirable.

Ross Ninel: You are one of the most awesome Irishman I have ever had the privilege of speaking to. You're in the top 5 of my favourite eWives EVER. Speaking with you when I get the chance, brightens my day every time 🙂.

NLSP: Though some people won't like it that I put you on this list, since apparently I'm in a "clique" of people opposing some of your beliefs, I have to. Thank you for being there for me when I've had rough times, and for being there for me when I haven't. You have helped me quite a bit on eRepublik, and have been great to talk to every time I have had the pleasure of speaking with you. Thank you!

mittekemuis: One of the last on my list, but definitely not last in my heart. You're just spectacular, I love whenever you are online and I can speak to you. You are one of THE most caring people with one of the biggest hearts I have ever come across. I love the fact that you can always seem to see the best in people. Thank you so much for being there for me when I have been down or depressed.. you are the best 🙂.

There's so many more people I would like to add, but I am way too tired to. Thank you everyone for supporting me and helping me and so many other people in their endeavours. Even if I disagree with a lot of you politically, you are what makes eBelgium a great place to be.

Thank you everyone!
