A Declaration of Principles

Day 630, 10:24 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

Yesterday I introduced the goal of this newspaper as being a bridge between the nationalities in Japan. If we continue with this metaphor, when a bridge is built, it is started from both ends and must meet in the middle. Where each side meets the land, there must be heavy reinforcements; a strong base to build onto. Thus we should look for a way to build a strong foundation of thoughts and actions as Japanese and Korean people begin on this journey together.

To start, perhaps we should list the ideals of our respective nationalities. Our two nations were not in contact for a long period of time, nor were their extensive communications between our people. So I doubt many Japanese know the history of North Korea and vice versa. I will not recount the tale here though since it will probably be told at the conference tonight. I will, however, give you an accounting of how this North Korean's views have been shaped by his life in eRepublik.

I joined this game for several reasons. City or Nation building sims have always attracted me, as well as social games. I have an interest in international politics, espescially relating to East Asia. And of course, eNorth Korea itself would provide endless entertainment by thoroughly mocking it's RL counterpart. These are the kinds of people that our nation attracted; sarcastic, educated, hardcore gamers. Most important though is how we deal with a crisis.

When we face a threat to our nation North Koreans are exceptional at organization. This is one of our proudest ideals. We will put aside differences to secure the prosperity of our people. Still I feel that I have not done enough to cultivate outside friendships. Perhaps the opposition I have faced has forced me to rely too heavily on those I know to be true, but I also know how easily betrayed other groups have been in eRep.

Once security has been obtained the greatest goal for North Korea has always been to develop the country in ways that could never happen in RL Korea. I wanted to see eNK as something opposed to RL, an agent of peace and order instead of violent discord. My goals have always been to promote good relations with our neighbors and full faith with our allies. These goals must not be undertaken half heartedly. North Koreans will be extreme in their actions in defense of others and of their ideals. They will not compromse the truths they hold in their hearts. Knowing what those truths are is the key to understanding our nation.

So I hope that the Japanese now understand more of the ideals that North Korea lived and died by. From here we must ask ourselves and our leaders three things. What do we stand for? What actions will we take? But most importantly, how do our ideals influence our actions? What leads us from thought to movement?

I had hoped for my second article to be more concrete and less lofty, but I seem to have lost that goal in the writing. I encourage all to attend the JaNSKo summit tonight and hopefully tomorrow I will be able to write a more wordly article on that subject.