A Day That Will Live in Infamy...

Day 698, 19:48 Published in South Africa USA by Champinator

Today, October 18, Year One-- a date which will live in infamy-- the Republic of South Africa was suddenly and astonishingly ridden of the insults and idiocracy shown by a Mr. Ajay Bruno.

The nation of eSA is stunned, but yet free. We shall all rejoice as the evil tyrant and PTOer known as "Ajay" was permanently banned. This day will live on in the hearts of many and in the books of the unforgotten. None of us will ever forget where we were when it happened or how they learned of it. This day shall be a national holiday. National Frepublik Day. A day of freedom in eRepublik and eSA especially.

The beast has not been slain however.The beast was asexual and therefore was able to give birth before it was so famously dethroned. The child-beast was called Ajay Bruno 2. Yes it is true. It is not totally over just yet. It will be though. We have until this new heathen is old enough to become able to join a party and run for various positions in office. Till this time of darkness reaches us we shall learn from the beast's parent. Learn how much a PTOer can ruin a country or two. Learn what damage is possible. With this knowledge we can prevent this from happening ever again. It is up to future leaders, followers, and citizens. Everyone is responsible for the future of eSA and all other countries. Don't let the tyrant reach the head of of its mother, eSA. Yes we are all the parents of this creature. We helped bring the beast to its rise in power. Your votes and comments are its food and water. Be strong with your feelings and never give in to what sounds good. Follow what IS good. Do it not only for yourself but for your country. Remember what a famous leader once sai😛 "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Stand up and fight the good fight against evil. Don't forget what brought a proud nation down and caused lasting hardship and continued civil unrest and the words shot at people like bullets. Never forget this moment. Never let it take down another empire. The future is in your hands fellow citizens. Take it like your own life.