A dangerous time for eIsrael

Day 566, 21:43 Published in Israel Israel by Cj Will Win

Dear congressmen and citizens of Israel,

EDITED IN: I didn't notice another article on the subject had been made in the past hour, sorry. Anyways we're screwed for the next 7 days as we can not propose another impeachment, but I will propose said impeachment after 7 days and I plead with the congressmen to act.

It is with great dismay that I come to you. This is a trying time for us. OUR PRESIDENT SADEH IS LEAVING TO TWO CLICKING. He wrote an article about it that can be found at the top of our media right now.

As bad as it is that we are losing our president there is something worse, we failed to impeach him. I don't know what kind of congress we have, but failing to impeach him means we have no stable leadership. This is not an article about elections, or who will step in to fill the void, because at this moment for all intents and purposes Gzen is our president.


I plan on writing more about the direction I would like to see Israel go in the future, but for now I plead with my fellow congressmen to vote yes on the impeachment so that we can move on and not be stuck doing nothing.

I am certain that for the time being we can sustain our country we have seen worse, and I will work hard to make sure we see it through this. Thank you

Cj Will Win
Congressman, Minister of Defense