A crying shame.

Day 894, 22:58 Published in Australia Australia by Spazicus

Anybody else remember when eIndonesia were the 'cool' bad guys?

When they decided to basically adopt themselves as the bad guys and started a trail of conquest, taking regions simply because they wanted to make the game more fun?

eIndonesia used to be one of the best if not the best enemy in the game. Now we see them trying to not only PTO eAustralia but through their clever manouvering they now have many, many eIndonesian citizens living in eAus, waiting to get eAustralian citizenship once we regain our country if their PTO succeeds.

There are currently more eIndonesian citizens 'stuck' in this country than there actual, active eAussie citizens. If we do not prevent this eIndonesian PTO right now, there is every chance that once we begin our resistence wars against an eIndosian held eAustralia we will find ourselves outnumbered by 'eAustralians' with eIndonesian allegiance.

Regardless, eIndonesia has fallen a looooong way from what they once were. Their excuse for attacking eAustralia so many times is that we are neighbours and their citizens wanted excitement. I can almost accept that argument from them. The game does get boring without action, but this disgraceful PTO attempt leads me to think of eIndos as honourless dogs.

I'll spell it out nice and simple: WAR IS FUN FOR BOTH SIDES. PTO'S ARE NOT.

You have 3 times our population and in all likelyhood thousands of the people listed as eAustralian citizens are actually eIndonesian. At least during war time we can have help from our allies and try to balance the battles out a little more and make them fun. Even when you last took Western Australia where many eAussies believed we were robbed not a single one of us said that the battle wasn't fun and exciting.

Now, you are isolating a tiny country, using trickery, shady methods and very very very liberal interpretations of eRepublik rules to basically steal eAustralian land.

Congratulations eIndonesia, you are no longer the fun bad guys. You've been upgraded to eBrazilian status of douchebag bad guys. Hopefully you'll get some new leadership soon and regain some of your lost honour.