A Congressional Platform

Day 939, 08:08 Published in USA USA by Mike Schmittson

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Mike Schmittson, and I'm running as the Republican Party Congressional candidate for Wyoming's June election.

Some of you older players may remember me, and before we delve into any of that, allow me to say this: this is a new Mike Schmittson, one who is a little more mature, and a little smarter about the way things work.

That said, I'd like to tell you about what paths I think eAmerica and its Congress should take in the next month.

Regarding Taxes: As usual, taxes are a front-running topic of any election. I believe that import taxes should always be at 99%. Now, if someone could present to me a truly legitimate reason, one that not even I could argue against, as to why a lower import tax could possibly be beneficial, I would (maybe) consider voting for its decrease, but I believe that the best way to protect our American businesses is to prevent foreign companies from muscling in on our industries. It's as simple as that. I believe that income taxes should be as low as possible, preferably 0%, and VATs should also be as low as possible, preferably 0%, of course, but, more realistically, around 5%, 10% tops.

Regarding War/Territory: Call me an "imperialist dog", but I believe that America should always try to expand. The only true way to gain an edge over the rest of the New World is to control more of it than anyone else. Granted, I also believe that those nations with whom we are allied should retain control of their regons, for defense purposes. I believe that one of the best ways to do this is to place high-q defense systems in every occupied region of ours (Karnataka, etc.). This will make a resistance war harder for the rebelling forces to win. Furthermore, most of our citizens should be living in these regions anyway, in order to make a resistance war more expensive to start in the first place.

Regarding Defense: One would think this topic is covered under "Regarding War", but it is not quite the same, though closely related. In order to make the previously mentioned high-q (preferably Q5) Defense Systems possible, we would need to invest some government money in DS companies, perhaps as a loan, and perhaps, if really necessary, as a handout (which I do not exactly support, but am willing to compromise on should the need for inexpensive, readily available, high-quality defense arise). Also, good funding for the eMilitary is a must, and is another acceptable use of tax dollars.

Regarding Domestic Policy: Many people believe that the government should be providing wellness/gifts to its citizens, free of charge. I disagree. I believe that, if the taxes are at rates that I proposed above, Citizens will be more capable of buying high-quality food and houses, leading to better wellness. Though gifts may lead to instant wellness gain, I think we pay for them in the long run. Gifts should only be purchased by private citizens and the military for tanking. Better we spend our money elsewhere. On the flipside of the coin, I believe that, if our defense systems are all in place, we should look at purchasing good hospitals, in order for our citizen-troops to be better prepared to fight again after a rough day on the battlefield.

Regarding Foreign Policy: I believe that we should have MPPs with all of our fellow Brolliance members, as we currently do; that should never change, and paying for these MPPs is our government's FIRST priority. I also see that we have MPPs with most of the members of EDEN, as well as a few other nations (India being a notable non-aligned naitons with whom we have an MPP). While these MPPs are always helpful, and I personally think they are an excellent idea, and that we should be allied with everyone who is not one of the members of Phoenix (i.e. EDEN, Entente, and Sol members who are not forbidden to ally with members of military alliances), these extra-alliance MPPs are not as great of a priority as those to whom we are committed (i.e. the Brolliance).

Well, I suppose that is about all I can say at this point in time. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to post them here. Be sure, Wyoming, to vote Schmittson on June 25th!