A Confession

Day 1,545, 12:57 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX

Well hello folks, I'm not going to bother you with some very fancy introduction, I will go straight to the matter. As the title says, this is a kind of confession and I promise that it will be interesting to all my friends, people who knew me, or even people who don't know me can keep reading because this will be interesting.

Page 1: A Confession
Page 2: This game actually has some good sides?

A Confession

I joined this game a year ago, my RL birthday it's on 17th of February(expect an article from me then) and my eRep birthday is on 22nd of February(expect another article from me then xD). Now where was I well it has been a year and oficially this game has become boring. The only thing that keeps me around are my friends and the article writing xD. If I quit this game, well I'm not sure if I'm going to write again since I don't do that very often outside this game. Now I don't want to annoy you much, I want to get straight to the matter. As the title says "A confession", well here's my confession, I'm born and I live(in RL) in the Republic of Macedonia(F.Y.R.O.M.). I know that I have told some of you that I come from Croatia, well I apologize for that but under these circuimstances I don't think that everything would be the same if all of you knew that I was from R. of Macedonia. I guess your first thought would be that I betrayed you, betrayed the eUS, I'm a spy, I'm a traitor, blah blah etc. Well I'm not, tehnically I betrayed my homeland Republic of Macedonia but I don't consider myself a traitor since this is only a game.

When I joined this game, I had no idea what this game is about, how things are going, for god's sake I didn't even know that there were allies and enemies. A RL friend of mine showed me this game and first I thought of creating my charachter in the R.o.M. but than he said that we were occupied, we were a small and poor country(just like in RL xD) and that I should create my citizen in the eUS. Well I listened to him and did that. Since my English is pretty good, I didn't had any troubles finding friends. I started liking it in here. So I decided to stay and not move in Republic of Macedonia even though the situation over there was pretty good. I got involved into politics and started living my elife. In my eLife I have never, not even once, betrayed the eUS. But also I have never fought against Macedonia nor for. I'm sure that some of you knew that I was from R.o.M. since you can easily check my IP address on the forums and I never hid it, because I had nothing to hide. I just wanted to make things clear because I'm tired of hiding this. Another reason for joining the eUS is because I always wanted to live in the U.S.A. but never had a chance. So with this, I was kind of getting an oportunity to improve my language skills.

Now I would like to apologize to everybody who didn't know the truth about me. I'm sorry that I lied to you, I'm sorry that I hid things from you but I had to.
This is only a game.

This game actually has some good sides?

Now something else. I was seriosly thinking of leaving this game. I'm tired and bored with it. But like somethings is keeping me over here and doesn't want to let me go. I was wondering what that was. Maybe it was the "exciting" military or economy module but the most of you would agree that they aren't really the most interesting thing in this game. What was keeping me over here was this beautiful society, the media module and politics. If you ever have a chance to see me in RL, well your first thoughts would be that I'm not really a politics kind of a guy. I must admit I never was, but after this game, well I have developed some love and interest towards politics. So what's my point over here? That this game, beside that bad things(lost hours playing it in front of the computer and other cr*p) had brought some good things. For the end, I want something from you. I want your opinion on all of these plus I would like you to rate my writing. I always wondered how I write in english since if you read an essay or text of mine written in Macedonian your highest grade would be C-. I'm really an anti-talent for writing in Macedonian. But speaking is a good side of mine both in English and Macedonian(I'm a good orator and even I have won some awards for that). So I guess that was all I wanted to say and I hope that this won't change many things.

So I'm officially 2clicking!

That was all from me today.



Check out my friend's newspaper:
Meet the Press by portcolumbus


Yeah I know that there are grammar/spelling mistakes, I apologize for that but I'm too damn lazy too look for them and repair them.

B.M. Entertainment endorses:
|The Academy Informer|The American Herald|Eagle Republik|The Economic News|Revolutionary Times|
16 Shells
|Voice of America|Meet the Press|Kooguy's Fire|Falling Down|High Times|FAMOUS|

Now go and get drunk...or laid...or both...
