A Concession and a Plea

Day 1,435, 14:32 Published in USA USA by General Lex Luthor

Today, I ran for congress in South Carolina in the hopes of helping to repeal the recent manipulative and unacceptable tax increases. And while voting will still be going for a while, it has become clear that my bid for congress has been defeated. I would like to thank those of you who did vote for me and assure you that the fight is not over.

Now, to those who are still in the running and to those who will eventually win, I make this plea: Listen to and act on the will of the people! It does not take a congressional veteran to know that there is a spirit of elitism and exclusivity in many areas of this game and congress is not immune to this disease. However, you must resist the peer pressure from those of your fellow congressmen who would have you believe they know better than the people who you represent. Be proactive in listening. ASK for opinions and determine a consensus and then act on that consensus in the halls of congress. Tyranny comes in many forms. Be certain that it doesn't come in the form of your vote.

Thank you again to all who showed me support and congratulations to those who will win.

"Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary."
-Reinhold Niebuhr