A Case for Free Trade

Day 534, 04:22 Published in USA USA by St Krems

When we allow imports into our country we are harming American business, right? We are taking away jobs from American workers and giving them to those hippie PEACE ba#&*$terds on the other side of the world. Why the hell is Krems trying to make a case for this?

Well I’m not denying that imports will have a negative impact on some of the eUS's industries in the short run. However, tariffs are a tax. Like it or not they are a tax by the government on imports, and its not the company trying to import the product that pays the tax, it’s you, the consumer who has to pay it for every import you buy. What would be your reaction if the government announced 28% VAT on food? Well that’s the amount of tax you pay to buy imported food, why should your anger be any less?

The main reasoning behind tariffs (or import taxes as they are called in this game) is that they protect eAmerican industry. This is a shield that the government always hides behind every time this issue comes up. The only industries that tariffs protect are those that are incapable of competing with their foreign rivals on a level playing field. Yes I’m talking about those companies that are cited in medium resource areas or are poorly managed. Why should you pay a tax to support those companies? Fair competition and hard work are the American way, not hiding behind tax barriers hoping that those more productive foreign firms never find a way to provide you're customers with cheaper goods.

How does it look to our allies when the eUS, supposedly a bastion of eCapitalism and defender of developing countries, erects trade barriers against their goods? And why should they, in return lower their tariffs? Instead shouldn't we be negotiating with them for a universal lowering of tariff walls? With no tariffs it could be eUS firms who undercut the foreign competition, offering us new markets for our goods. As I said at the beginning, those firms who were not competitive enough to compete would die off but surely we all have enough faith in our nation to see this as a possibility for them to be replaced by new competitive firms and not as a threat to our country.