A Call Upon All Americans UPDATED

Day 435, 17:12 Published in USA USA by GoBucks

Every so often a nation, as strong as it may be, comes to the people with a need. Today, I come to you on behalf of the eUSA with a need. After recent events involving the depletion of our Federal Treasury, a plan was made to assist in raising funds. We developed a solution, which involved a fix for the short term and for the long term. Sadly both do fall on the shoulders of our citizens, but know that Congressmen have to pay the price too.

Many are very aware of our long-term solution, a temporary raise in our nations taxes to help our treasury stabilize and regain the might it lost only a few days ago. However, these taxes are going to take a while to take affect and even longer before we start seeing the results, this means the short term is necessary. I, with the help of several others, including Con. Panther of N.D., developed a Bond system.

The system is pretty simple, buy your bonds at this org here:


Which I do not even have access to, in fact only President MacWalburgson and Congressmen Woods have access to the org. Then fill out this form as a means of recording your transaction and assuring the return of your money:


Pay back will begin once the eUSA treasury reaches 1,500 GOLD and at least 80,000 USD plus the amount of money invested in bonds. Chances are your bonds won't even be used as their use are reserved solely for Federal Emergencies which require funds. Sadly, we will not be able to provide interest for bonds. However, 100% of the money invested will be returned.

So now is your chance Americans to show your patriotism for our great nation and buy bonds!


eUS Director of Citizens' Affairs
Congressman of Ohio

NOTE: The Bonds System Is Approved By President McWalburgson

Current List of Faithful Citizens Who Have Bought Bonds:
Congressman Panther
Congressman AidenAstrup
Congressman TDWester
Michael Holcomb
Congressman Lazor
Leroy Combs
Chahk Noir
Joe DaSmoe
Gaius Julius
trey sanders
Congressman Ananias
Congressman John Wycliffe
Patrick Haga
Chris Willson
Congressman Greecelightning
Matthew Johnson
Fmr. US President Benn Dover
Congressman ProggyPop
Congressman Nathan Woods
George Silver
Buddy Dude
Justin The Grand
One Eye
Mr. Bob
Danny Kowens
Salmon P. Chase
Wade Seagrave
Bill Blargh
Congressman Lukasz Makowski
Leo Ruby
Congressman Scrabman
Congressman Tsar Vandall
J.R. Gale
Congressman Aren Perry


To clarify upon some issues, the money will be spent only if we are attacked and that is the sole reason for the money, to spend on equipping our soldiers for battle therefore the chances of your bonds being spent are slim. This is a precautionary measure created to generate funds as quick as possible. As for no interests, One Eye says it quite well,

"These bonds are not like IRL bonds. They are essentially a donation to the eUSA which will be paid back sometime. Don't do it for your own good. Don't do it because it will make you rich.

Do it because we are stronger together than we are apart. Do it for eGod and ecountry.

I, One Eye, proud citizen of the eUSA endorse the bond program and have donated."

Keep them coming, Over 6000 USD and 175 gold already!!!