A Call to All Party Presidents

Day 819, 13:37 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Shalom eIsraelis!

This is directed to all who care to listen, but primarily party presidents and high party officials.

Party Presidents,

Congratulations to you all. All of you and I have been elected to a prestigious position, a position that comes with great responsibility. One may have noticed that Party Presidents don't do "much," they'll print out ads, pick who's running for elections, and that's about it when it comes to interrelations between parties.

I want this to change.

I am proposing that we all do more. As I have outlined, I wish to meet you all at first, and hold meetings that every PP and some high officials attend. we would discuss party matters, national matters, and international matters. we would take each parties' stance on things and give opinions that would help our country in the best way we see fit. While we aren't exactly government, we are of importance. People voted us in, did they not? we have some popularity with our peers then. Every party, from Sababa to the UZSP to Consolidation to the UeIP and more will be apart of this. Everyone deserves a say.

Please give your thoughts, I believe this to be a great idea that can only help eIsrael, and not hurt it.

Once more congratulations! If all the PP's could get back to me through PM, we can set the first one up 🙂

Yours in eIsrael's hands,

Sam Krakower
UZSP Party President