A Call on all Americans(War or not to War)

Day 449, 14:31 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

Good Evening,

America, we have a decision to make. The new war module was fired up today. The new system provides America with an opportunity. Your President believes the time to act is upon us. Uncle Sam campaigned on a call for War games. However, the debate over that rages on without much progress. The new structure of the war mod provides us a chance to give our citizens an increase in wellness. Without an active battle for some time, most of your are feeling the effects of wellness loss.

So what do we do? Do we sit idly by and watch or enemies benefit or do we march? Many Americans have tasted battle, many have had no chance to fight. We need to boost our citizens ability to defend America. Our recent losses have left a bad taste in our mouths. America has seen a great influx of V1 babies, recently dubbed the the V1 boom. Many of you have not had the opportunity to fight. Uncle Sam feels it is time to give our citizens a shot in arm, a chance to raise xp and wellness will benefit everyone.

Unfortunately, we find ourselves in difficult circumstances as of late. Americans have felt the sting of our Treasury loss, we have recovered but not fully. America is in debt to you. There is an active proposal to raise weapons taxes to 15/20/15 in order to speed recovery. Uncle Sam proposed 10/20/15, not wanting to raise income tax. It's a compromise and may pass. The hope is by doing this, Congress will be able to expidite the repeals of the emergency taxes via an income boost from battle.

Uncle Sam is interested in how you feel on the subject, voice your opinions.
The wellness boost and the boost to the economy would be beneficial to our nation. United we stand, divided we fall, seize the day America.

Sam will follow up later today.
Thank you for your time,
