A call for Solidarity

Day 1,885, 02:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

This, as you may have gathered, is my (badly handwritten and sideways for some reason) reply to Jamesw's inflammatory article criticising BigAnt as CP. It's not a bad article, it's full of valid criticisms and points that have yet to be answered. And yet I disagree, in the strongest terms.

We are in what could strongly be referred to as a national crisis. Canada have invaded, seizing Wales and going further inland. We're fighting a war on two fronts. French citizens have started a resistance war against Poland, and while the French government does not officially support them, they could mean we may face a third front also. Oh, and there's speculation that Russia may make a fourth if we fully conquer Norway. Now, BigAnt's war on the Scandinavian nation brought this about, but let's be honest; another tangle with Canada was inevitable. Us being engaged in Norway might have slightly weakened our defences, but it's nothing we can't bounce back from.

Anyway. While it may change after this whole mess is over, I am fully behind BA as CP and leader of this campaign. Why? Because it's good for the war effort. Having strong leadership and a chain of command will maintain people's faith that we'll get our regions back and win the war once and for all. Disunity and chaos, naturally does the opposite.

The problem of articles such as Jamesw's, and outcries against the CP in general, is that it reinforces our divisions. Political divisions. Personal divisions. These are things that need to be disregarded in a time of war, in the spirit of cooperation and unity. While there will come a time for BA to answer for the events of his second term, it's imperative that we get behind him. To quote a friend of mine, Dr Hugh Jardon:

"Lets defend first then have an inquest afterwards. We need everybody at the minute to pull together and when...not if but WHEN...we repel Canada off our lands we can go through all this."

An inquest after the war will be fine. The people need to know whether it really was TWO's instructions to invade Norway, and why BA neglected the advice of both the MoD and the MoFA before declaring war and declaring NE. If wrongdoing is detected, then the country can deal with it. But in the meantime, I say we should get behind our CP and give 'em hell. If you agree, please comment "BA is my leader" below!