A bunch of rants from an old player.

Day 1,897, 03:12 Published in Portugal Portugal by Arthk

Hello old friends, howdy unknown people.

Well, it's been a while since I've written something in here, and it's been an even longer time since I published something intended for the international community.

And boy, do I wish it would be just like the last time I did this, but it's not. I'm not going to participate in intriguing diplomacy like I used to, I'm not going to talk about alliances nor some specific event in the warfare of the game, I'm not going to state any official position of anything, just like I was used to.

Oh, I'm sorry, how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself! You must pardon me, really, I'm not that used to start my articles with an introduction of myself, but I understand that this new generation can't know everything, right?

Well, my name is Arthk, I started playing while this game was still in beta, almost 5 years ago. I like to think I was once quite the famous and influential guy, but maybe that's not as true as I want to think it was. I've done it all of it in this game, I've been president of my country for 6 times (well, 6 times and a half if you count one time when I was the interim president hurr hurr), I was secretary general of the most awesome alliance that ever existed (and what a great alliance it was, oh dear PEACE), I was vice SG of the same alliance for ... I can't quite remember how many times.

Aside from the titles I took part in the history of this game. I didn't only witness it, I was part of it, and I feel that I deeply contributed to it. I was deeply involved in events like the french toast, the Podolia and West Siberian Region wars (romania vs indonesia), the PigMac(tm) war (oh, its the one where the US got reduced to its little weiner, er, Florida, I mean).

Anyway, I've seen it all, I've watched the modules change, versions of the game "evolve" etc etc. Nowadays I barely work and train, honestly I don't know why I still log into this mess.

But I'm not here to talk about myself, I'm here because not long ago (well, some months ago actually) I was having a conversation with some new generation guys and I heard them talk about war heroes and great fighters and all that. I investigated and I was dazzled with the new definition of "great warriors". Plus, I mentioned the name of the great Euphonix, the titan of the past, the great legend praised by his allies and feared but respected by his enemies. Guess what, no one in that room knew who he was. Not a single person. Well, to be honest I wasn't that shocked, it's been a while since Euphonix's era.

What shocked me the most was the same definition of a war hero. They labelled anyone who simply bought its way to the battlefield medals as a great warrior. Well, call me unorthodox, but I come from a time when you had limits to the gold you could spend in battle per day, so in order too be a great hero you needed to be persistent, at the very least.

If you can recall the time when that new "war hero", what was his name... oh, Romper(!), announced his retirement from the game. And aside all the "baaaaw dun leave yu graet warrior :''(" comments you could find this one posted by yours truly:

Yeah, and its true, I'm sorry, it is. I have nothing against the guy, really, I actually appreciate his "credit card using skills", but I find little or no recognition in simply paying countless dollars or euros for being a "great warrior". And might I remind all of you that Euphonix didn't buy a single piece of gold in this god forbid game! None, zero, niente, nada!

I could verify this myself, since I dealt with him in a daily basis. He didn't have clones nor anything, and the fun fact is (and this is the most interesting part): He didn't have a company empire either!

"wait.. how did he pay for his battles then?" you may ask. Well, I'd say charm! (And a gorgeous amount of strength too, of course). It all started with the first battles of V1, when Euphonix was one of the highest strength players in the world, so it was natural to invest in him (my government back then invested quite a good deal on his fights). By then he and his marvellous moustache became quite famous due to winning some crucial epic battle hero medals. After that people would donate him weapons and gold!

Yup, they would simply donate him just to see him fighting. He didn't have to ask much, people would anticipate it. People and different governments of course.

Using his charm and looks he managed to beak all sorts of records, he first broke the 500k record and due to a buggy game was demoted to private (lol, yeah... these "erepublik features"). After that the wigs (admins for the uncultured lot) had to raise the damage limit and he was the first person to ever reach 1 million damage, gaining the nickname "million damage man", and trust me, that was a huge deal.

And he did all that without spending a single dime.

Now ask yourselves, Is this possible now? Nah, not a chance. That's one of the reasons I can't bare to play this game, it has become too damn pointless to do anything here. Oh, and yeah, the module has no strategy or whatsoever, it's just "deal moar damage lolz" philosophy.

And well, since apparently we're about to have a brand new war module (and they start with the maps, hah, gold!) I felt the need to remind people of this single fact. I wasn't expecting this article to be this long but f*ck it. I won't even say hopefully the wigs will hear me, since I have no hopes of my words being heard. For almost 5 years people like me have been ignored when it comes to the game strategy and development, I really don't expect to be heard now.

And congratulations, you managed to read this 'till the end, I respect you for that.

Anyway, hope this hasn't depressed you that much.

Have a nice day,

A guy just waiting for someone to pull the god damn plug