A Brief Spelling Lesson

Day 796, 17:53 Published in USA USA by Fionia

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This article isn't going to be as lengthy or as serious as previous ones. Instead, I thought I'd focus on something closer to my heart; namely, my name. It's surprisingly difficult to spell, as I've seen from countless numbers of people on IRC, on the eUS forums, and in newspaper comments. Most of the time, it's an honest mistake, but there are some out there (eliwood_sain) who take pleasure in deliberately mangling my name. So here, once and for all, is how to spell my name.

So let's begin at the beginning:

http://www.freeclipartnow.com/d/39957-2/gold-letter-F.jpg" width="150" height="200">
You might think that the F would be easy to figure out, but surprisingly not. I would say it's the second most difficult letter in my name, considering how easily it has been confused for a "Ph".

http://all-free-download.com/images/graphiclarge/letter_i_in_a_red_circle_clip_art_13305.jpg" width="200" height="200">
This one's pretty easy. I mean, what are you going to do, write an "e" instead? Oh wait.....

http://fromoldbooks.org/r/1/65-Fourteenth-century-23-01-letterO-q85-398x330.jpg" width="238" height="180">
The one letter that nobody will get wrong. When you say my name out loud, there is no confusion whatsoever about what this letter is.
http://www.fotosearch.com/bthumb/UNC/UNC329/u19666894.jpg" width="170" height="170">
The "n" just sits there. Nothing exciting about this letter. After all the potential for misspelling the first part of my name, the middle is very safe.

http://www.clker.com/cliparts/0/b/5/9/1247545572775981167alphabet-tracing-letter-i.svg.hi.png" width="100" height="191">
Ah, the poor, abused, forgotten second "i". Left out by so many people, it's the most common mistake people make with my name. It's also the pet peeve that inspired this article, because my name is not, and has never been, in RL or eRep, "Fiona".

http://fromoldbooks.org/r/1/43-letterA-q75-430x464.jpg" width="200" height="216">
And, just to end on a good note, we have a letter that's as safe as the "o".


EDIT: I'd like to thank DanielCD for continually spelling my name right (and because he won't leave me alone until he gets a shoutout), and Iasov for helping with the HTML in this article.

DISCLAIMER: All of this is purely humorous. I'm not really that uptight about spelling my name.

Signing off,