A brief recap of my eLife.

Day 718, 15:38 Published in USA USA by eMarkG
I would just like to recap on my eLife as best I can, its probably going to be boring XD

I have applied for citizenship in or around 5 days ago and by the looks of things gotten no where, this was disappointing for me. I was born a US Citizen and just blended in to the crowd I was nothing special, I was a noob. I started in the state of Florida as that’s where I had gone on holidays most of the time and enjoyed it immensely, unfortunately I was in a stand still, yes I might of been working and training daily but that was all, A two clicker as some might say. The reason for this I feel is that I didn't know any better; I didn't know what this game was like socially so I found no need to become active.

This is where I began to travel. I have been in 9 different countries. Some Neutral, some PEACE and some Brolliance (as it’s called now). Unfortunately towards the end of my travels WW3 began and with this I was stuck in Indonesia. Dreadful I now know.
To be fully honest I took no notice of the world war barely even knew it was happening, so I really seen no need to return until I began reading papers and shouts of some friends I had made through out my travels. I came across the Imperialistic ways of PEACE in which I WAS an unwilling member of.

Until one shout caught my eye, It was one of Josh Frost who I had luckily managed to befriend whilst my time in the US. This shout requested volunteers for a special project I know now as SEAL TEAM 6. I requested to join this force in which I was accepted luckily enough, so I moved back to the US where I truly belonged and began fighting my until recently Alliance.

I had applied for Citizenship in the US straight away but had to cancel it as we were on the move, and so I left my citizenship request for a number of days as we fought the Imperialist PEACE nations, recovering lost regions for the good of eWorld as we seen it.
But I became restless again, wanting more out of the US than just fighting PEACE, I wanted to TRY and help it in the way many had been doing already. So I became settled in the US once again, I stayed put, I requested citizenship and have been waiting ever since for my chance of helping US in more ways than one.

And so we come to this point in my eLife, it is a boring time, with nothing happen, I had become a two clicker again 😡 but now I have found a way of hopefully rejuvenating this stagnant part of my elife and that is the Media. I started this newspaper a few days ago, my first two articles being an embarrassment and pointless effort to spice up my life, These FAILED epically,

I was marked as a spammer or an incompetent member or eUS society, which I detested. So I choose to act seriously towards my newspaper with this article being my second real article.

Well I have been rambling on for too long now and hell you probably not even reading this anymore. So Post the word "GIRGUMESH" if you are.
