A Brief Look at the Economic Effects of the Invasion

Day 1,110, 01:41 Published in Australia Australia by Ari Lazarus

Been a while: on my return I found, to my dismay, that eIndonesia is once again attacking Australia. Here are the expected effects of the war thus far:


Food - Production yields will increase from bonuses of 10% to 15% and grain (raw material) production will get a massive boost of 25% thanks to taking South Australia. This will likely result in a significant decrease in prices for food in the future for eIndonesia.

Weaponry - Production yields nationwide will see an increase from 10% to 20%, thanks to taking Western Australia, the Northern Territories, and Victoria (2 Saltpeter, 1 Aluminum).

Food - The loss of South Australia's 25% bonus will likely see a meteoric rise in food costs. Already in the span of a few short days the average food AU😨HP has gone from an average (across Q1-Q5) 0.8 to 1.0 and above. This trend can only increase at this point.

Weaponry - The twin losses of Saltpeter and Aluminium will slash the production bonus of weaponry from 15% to a measly 5%. If Indonesia was successful in taking Queensland, the Rubber in it would have removed the final production bonus for Australia.

This, of course, is in addition to the massive manpower and materials drain that has resulted from losing 4 out of 7 states. It remains to be seen if things will get better from here on out.