A Black Friday

Day 717, 20:06 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

As I wrote earlier today, Japan suffered a terrible loss with the theft of the National Bank of Japan and our Military Organizations. Congress is taking steps to begin rebuilding, and we are putting emergency measures into place, but we must all remain vigilant in this time of weakness.

Naturally our thoughts turn to justice. I cannot bring you all the the government has learnedm due to the rules of the game, but I can say that there is a lengthy explanation that will be available to all citizens on the forums. Please contact me if you have any questions that need answered.

As for my agenda for the day, that was pretty well ruined. The first goals were accomplished, as Vorph and I are now the proprietors of the much smaller NBJ by signing the contract. Now that we have control of the Bank email we have begun dealing directly with the admins to resolve the issues.

I have also been able to gain acknowledgement from PEACE and have been in contact with them over IRC. A new Cabinet IRC has been formed and populated by government members. And lastly, I have appointed Myung Kei as Secretary of Communication.

The plan for tomorrow is to keep focused on the bank issue. We are also going to have to discuss the HUGE increase in Training War costs the Admins plan to put us through.