A Better Tomorrow

Day 738, 09:00 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Dear eAmericans,

The time has come. It is that time of the year again to elect a leader for our eNation. And so I inquire the possibility of a conservative yet fun and caring second option for our great country to consider.

I have again decided to run for President of the eUnited States, along with my running mate, Aren Perry. We have indeed organized and are continuing to build up a team for the campaign. We are organizing our goals and campaign into one central location that will inform and aid all supporters along with critics: www.cvpforpotus.com

I realize that many of you out there already have your set opinions on certain stances within the game, but I ask you to please keep an open mind. I realize that there is a struggle to create the left-right divide, considering this is a game and many of the real life aspects that create such a divide are left out, but that does not mean, however, that these RL divides are inexistent within the way we act and treat others. Just as much as I feel morals are important I too believe that such divides should not get in the way of leadership. Too often good ideas are thrown aside simply because these ideology attitudes and feelings get in the way. I believe that the friendship Aren and I have is a testament to bipartisanship (multipartisanship in-game party wise.) I will never cease being a right-winger just as Aren Perry will never cease being a left-winger, but that does not mean we can’t work together to make one great e-nation. I’ve learned one major lesson while playing Erepublik and I’m sure Aren has too: it’s always best to consider others and what makes the game fun for them. We’ve got so many options, especially now that these new aspects will be added to the game. Let’s stay one step ahead 😉 Vote Mattoze5 and Aren Perry for President and Vice President of the eUnited States!

Vote and subscribe as more articles about my ideas will be published soon! 😉

Next on the List: Foreign Relations (in-depth)

Thank you for your support,
God Bless America,