9 Reasons “Pacifica Virus” Is DEADLY For All

Day 5,903, 10:58 Published in USA USA by Junkrat
9 Reasons “Pacifica Virus” Is DEADLY For All [Junkrat]
~ Junkrat | Day 5,903 of the new world

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This article is the personal opinion of the writer, who at the time of writing, does not hold any official/political position. It is not related to the government, or official representatives of any respective country.

Time to get real here!

We are all playing this game together. We all have our criticisms regarding how Plato approaches different matters of this game. But still, we love playing it! I have never seen an active player intending to kill this game, yet.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. We all want it to thrive because we enjoy playing it. Despite the shortcomings.

But some “tired leaders” of the eWorld, whether knowingly or unknowingly, are infected with a dangerously widespread virus, and so are actively trying to kill what we all love and enjoy about this game.

It is a GRAVE DANGER to everyone, including those said leaders themselves^. They just don’t realize it yet.

I call it The “Pacifica Virus”. The Neutrality Mindset. The mindset that thinks being and staying neutral without having enemies, is a good thing! A mindset that gets offended by nothing and thinks you should “eLive and let eLive”. The virus that silently infecting every one of us.

Why is it infecting every one of us, you may ask?

Because we are all rewarding it directly by letting it get stronger and stronger, every day.
We are all rewarding it by letting it exist. By being comfortable with it, by tolerating it. Especially from bigger countries. For example, without any specific mentions, Pacifica alliance countries, like Poland or Taiwan… and many others!

Let me just go through a few simple reasons why it gets deadly dangerous when the neutral mindset gets out of balanced. When the eWorld is infected with the Pacifica Virus, the following things are sure to happen:

1. People will fight for personal reasons instead of a bigger purpose

When there are not enough meaningful nation wars with bigger purposes, people simply start to turn on each other instead. For different kinds of reasons.
Now obviously, farming, hunting medals, mercenaries, or internal political wars are all parts of this game… I do that too… but there should be a healthy balance between playing individually, and playing nationally / collectively purposeful.

2. Players will eventually get bored

Without a bigger purpose, players will eventually get bored. I have seen enough that when there is a really big war between nations, adrenaline gets rushed into the veins. Players start to get active. New players resurrect from the dead. Activity is always at an all-time high while the biggest wars are happening.

3. There will be no need for baby booms

The biggest baby boom in the history of this game happened when there was a big war happening between nations. Not when there were a lot of Pacifica Pandemic TWs! And baby booms are the lifeblood of this game. So with the direction we(the majority of us) are going, no wonder why we don’t have a lot of new players in the game.

The biggest baby boom of this game happened during World War II, according to the wiki.

4. Motivation / Goals will vanish

The majority of players will lose motivation to set goals for themselves and grow. Not everyone is a geek. Some people are just here for the love of their countries and for the national cause. If you kill the cause, you will force them to leave.

5. There be less need for real negotiations (affecting the internal & external politics)

The most complex and intense negotiations happen during conflicts. Not during peace and neutrality… Outside wars lead to internal political activity as well. Alliances will matter more. Brotherhoods will get stronger… etc.

6. Economies will not shine / the bonuses you think are precious to you will not matter

War and activity keep the economy moving and growing. The more demand there is, the more it makes sense to create profitable companies. If your players are bored, your bonuses will not help you motivate them.

7. Even empires will be meaningless

Well, should I elaborate more on this one? It is obvious enough^

8. The status quo will only get stronger

I hear y’all sometimes say, well country X stored a lot of EBs through the months of being neutral… and now, every day goes by, they become more of a treat to anybody.
Should I ask, What is the limit for it? I mean think about it. Is it the right solution to just let it be?


9. Where are your values, bro?

Putting aside all the things I just said… Don’t you have any values or principles as a leader/nation? I can’t believe somebody playing this game at a high level and don’t have enemies and/or disagreements. It will happen naturally, unless well… you forgot your values and have no actual principle to stand by it.

Okay! Do you have a solution then?

Yes, I do. Of course, I phucking do. How about starting to think a little differently? Each of us should stop being so comfortable knowing, and seeing every day, that another country is getting bigger, has more regions, storing more EBs, CCs & Golds, and enjoying non-deserving bonuses and statuses, just because she did NOTHING and stayed neutral. Just because she decided to disrespect the core of what you enjoy and love about this game. Just because they decided to kill this game…

➔ Stop being comfortable with it.
➔ Stop tolerating it.
➔ Stop electing tired leaders with no principles.
➔ Start pushing your leaders.
➔ Y’all have the power to push your leaders. By tolerating it, just like them, you are just rewarding it more and more… There is a publish button right below your profile… use it more. Express your opinion!

YOU Decide o7

A message to the alliance leaders:

If you are tired, or got bored of this game, how about just letting someone else take the lead? Just leave!
The problem is some of you want to be the leader, the big guy, but you don’t want to put in the necessary work and effort it requires. You want to protect your ego without taking the responsibility.

Maybe the time calls us to change the dynamic of the alliances… This can’t go well for longer, anymore…

Enjoy the Junkrat’s theme song…

…This message may or may not have been composed by my rat…
…Hakuna Matata!