**UPDATED** Day 562

Day 562, 23:57 Published in Philippines Philippines by Swagger McSwag

My third "Day" article. A summary of newsworthy happenings in and around the archipelago from Day 553 (9 or 10 days ago depending on your time zone) to the present day. Happy Vanish Varnish/We Kicked the Living Daylights Out of the Varnish Day to all!


Day 553

-Luzon representative TruPinoy proposes increasing the minimum wage to 5 PHP from 1 PHP without explanation (http://www.erepublik.com/en/Philippines/law/7009). The bill is defeated, 6-33, in Congress. (TruPinoy would later explain that the proposal was accidental; rea😛 http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/news-trupinoy-explains-proposal-mishap-814963/1/20)

Day 554


-His Sultanic Majesty Prince Terence I of Sulu (Congress Member for Mindanao, PFF president) publishes an outline of the Philippine Constitution on both the ePhilippines and ePilipinas forums, effectively starting the first Philippine constitutional convention. His outline is partly based on the RL 1987 Philippine Constitution. (sources: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/the-philippine-constitution-t507.htm; http://epilipinas.bigforumpro.com/the-philippine-congress-f2/proposal-philippine-constitution-t180.htm

-Visayas Congressionator Ariel David Buena proposes the creation of two commemorative "holidays": Varnish Memorial Day on the 4th of the month and Bunaly impeachment day on the 5th of the month. These days will recall May 5 and March 14, when the rouge Spanish-led Secta del Guru Varnish party fled the country and former Philippine president-slash-public enemy #1 Bunaly was impeached, respectively. Congress polls are open for 3 days to give new congressmen more time to get on board the forums. (sources: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/proposal-varnish-memorial-day-bunaly-impeachment-day-t515.htm; [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/proposals-varnish-memorial-day-bunaly-impeachment-day-813108/1/20

Day 555


-Philippine President Big Boy Bulley announces our government's successful acquisition of three one-star (Q3) hospitals for the bargain price 42.5 GOLD, and one five-star (Q5) hospital for two unbelievably affordable installments of 100 GOLD (approximately half the prevailing market price). The three Q1 hospitals are planned to be put up in Luzon, Mindanao and Palawan, while the Q5 hospital will be set up in Visayas, which does not have any foreign borders in-game. (source: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/here-they-come-t535-20.htm)

-President BBB goes to Congress and proposes the purchase of a Q1 hospital from the UK government-backed Kingdom Hospital company. The purchase is approved, 39-nil, in the Congress chamber and the hospital is set up in Luzon the following morning for the market price of 0.91PHP (exclusive of export license fees and black market money transfers). (source: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/here-they-come-t535-20.htm

-Visayass Congress representative whothefckisthat proposes upping the minimum wage to 2 PHP from the long-standing 1 PHP. He publishes his rationale in his newspaper: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/new-minimum-wage-proposal1-814092/1/20. The bill is voted down, 1-37.


-Congressman Nikko_33 of Palawan proposes lowering the income tax on the Moving Tickets (airline) industry to 10% from 20% in the Council of State forums. The proposal sparks a debate in Congress. He says that the change should be made out of "pure and simple fairness" since all other industries, except Moving Tickets, in the country are charged 10% income taxes across the board. On the other hand, his detractors claim that the 20% tax is just fair because the raw material that the airline industry uses, oil, costs half as much in the market as other raw materials because we have a high oil region in Palawan. (source: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/proposal-mt-income-tax-adjustment-t528-20.htm)

Day 556

-President BBB goes to Congress with another Q1 hospital purchase proposal. It is ratified, 39-nil, and a Q1 Hospital is set up in Mindanao the following morning for 0.91 PHP (market price; excluding export license fees and black market direct donations). (source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/Philippines/law/7267)

-Congressman Nikko_13 and his detractors in Congress arrive at a compromise. He submits an in-game law proposal lowering the income tax to 10% but raising the VAT to 20%. He says that "the government stands to earn more since taxes will be collected [every time] a ticket is sold", and that "the expected rise in [moving ticket prices] will only be 1-2 PHP. Negligible, since you do not need MTs daily. The law passes with polls closing at a resounding 35-0 in favor of it. (sources: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/law-proposal-moving-tickets-tax-adjustment-815070/1/20; http://www.erepublik.com/en/Philippines/law/7237

-Former AFP Supreme Commander HazzN is no longer a Congress member (at least, not in-game). He will still be considered a Congressman in ePhilippines forums. He departs for Kanto, Japan to fight for Germany against Sweden and Poland. "This was cleared by my Party President and BBB prior to me resigning", he stated in the ePhilippines forums. "My feelings are that as we are working as one entity, my single vote will mean little, whilst the 500 damage a day I can do for Germany is quite important." (source: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/my-in-game-resignation-t545.htm

-Congress Member Anthony Julian Santos proposes a minimum wage hike, adding 0.5 PHP to the original 1 PHP. The proposal is quashed, 5-31. This will be the third minimum wage hike bill deliberated in the 4th Philippine Congress since its election last May 25. (source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/Philippines/law/7291)

-Maginoong Reclusive Monkey of Luzon suggests naming the 4th of the month, Vanish Varnish Day instead of Varnish Memorial Day. Meanwhile, Congress member Jacquea de Martin suggests We Kicked The Living Daylights Out Of The Varnish Day. (sources: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/proposal-varnish-memorial-day-bunaly-impeachment-day-t515.htm; http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/voting-hall-f23/a-bill-declaring-the-4th-of-the-month-varnish-memorial-day-t513.htm

-Congressionator Ariel David Buena proposes naming the planned Q5 hospital President Big Boy Bulley General Hospital in His Excellency's honor. A poll in the congress Voting Hall is opened.(source: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/voting-hall-f23/a-bill-naming-the-planned-q5-hospital-in-visayas-president-big-boy-bulley-general-hospital-t539.htm).


-A simple inquiry becomes a congressional standoff between former Congressman HazzN and Luzon Congress representative keisam. The latter sent HazzN an in-game message asking for a statement from the former regarding his Congress resignation. Fearful of an imminent "smear campaign", HazzN preempts keisam with a thread on the ePhilippines decrying keisam's "smear campaign". keisam denies all allegations. (sources: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/my-in-game-resignation-t545.htm; http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/my-in-game-resignation-t545.htm)

Day 557

-Congress dude Anthony Julian Santos submits a Congress proposal to change the citizen fee to 7.5 PHP from 5 PHP. The bill is a no-go with 3-28 votes against it. (source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/Philippines/law/7304


-The polls for A Bill Declaring the 4th of the Month, Varnish Memorial Day close with Congressionators voting 9-1 in favor of the proposal. The bill is ratified

-The polls for A Bill Declaring the 14th of the Month, Bunaly Impeachment Day close, too. Solons vote 7-3 in favor of the bill. Ratified.

-The polls for A Bill Modifying the Name of Varnish Memorial Day close and is quashed with 3 votes for Vanish Varnish Day, 3 votes for We Kicked the Livin Daylights Out of the Varnish Day, and 1 vote for none of the above. Kinda ratified. Kinda.

Day 558


-Mindanao Congress representative Bestie101 is declared interim defense director. Mindanao Congress representative Sadin23 is slated to run the Department of Defense this month while HazzN steps down to lead the Philippine Naval Fleet as its commanding officer. (source: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/The_Armed_Forces_of_the_Philippines

-The poll for Ariel David Buena's A Bill Naming The Planned Q5 Hospital in Visayas, President Big Boy Bulley General Hospital' is closed. Congressionators vote 14-1 in favor of giving the planned hospital a pet name.

-Congressman Reclusive Monkey finalizes the date and time of the Congressman Mr. Dimagiba 2.0's proposed Congressional IRC Meeting. It will be held on Sunday, June 7th, 04:00 eRepublik Time (U.S. PST), 12:00 noon London, 19:00 Manila. (source: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/congressional-irc-meeting-t533-40.htm

-Anthony Julian Santos is no longer a congress member. Current Location: France.

Day 559


-Congressionator Ariel David Buena proposes an International Media Campaign for Repatriation in Cooperation with the Department of Foreign Affairs Diplomatic Corps and the Philippine Press Club as a solution to the dwindling population problem. According to him, the project involves "our ambassador-writers [launching] an organized, simultaneous and massive international media campaign beckoning Filipinos to return to the fatherland". (sources: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/proposed-solution-to-dwindling-population-problem-817385/1/20; http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/public-discussion-f8/proposed-solution-to-dwindling-population-problem-t560.htm)


-Ariel publishes a Tentative Personae Non Gratae List, "a list of people who are not welcome in the Philippines". He adds, "of course, there are no game mechanics that will allow us to enforce this list but, at least, we know the people who have wronged us in the past". The list is primarily composed of SGV members and, of course, Bunaly. (source: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/general-discussion-f11/tentative-personae-non-gratae-list-t562.htm

Day 560

-BBB brings another Q1 hospital before Congress. They vote 35-0 favorably and the hospital goes to the region of Palawan. The hospital comes from Kingdom Hospital and is bought for a market price of 0.91 PHP (market price; does not include export license fee and direct donation). (source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/Philippines/law/7472


-In a comment to his own article, Vote Bulley on the 5th, Reclusive Monkey reveals that BBB has chosen Ariel David Buena has his running mate in the tomorrow's presidential election. (source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/vote-bulley-on-the-5th-818784/1/20)

Day 561

-Congressionator Ariel David Buena proposes A Bill Creating the Congress/Senate Committee on Education in the Congress forums. According to him, the proposed education committee will act like a "Department of Education BETA" but will remain "just a committee and not a full-fledged department/ministry." He adde😛 "It shall operate as an arm of the legislature, and not of the executive branch/Cabinet... This way, it will not dilute the government's focus on our mission-critical defense, economy, labor and foreign affairs ministries; while, at the same time, allowing proponents of the education ministry some latitude to test the viability of such an organization." (source: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/proposal-creating-the-congress-senate-committee-on-education-t574.htm)

-Congressman Reclusive Monkey proposes a provision in the Philippine constitution that only members of Congress may be appointed as cabinet members. In his article, Radical Reform, he stated that his provision would add "a layer of accountability which is then linked to the in game voting system". He added, "this would really set us apart from every other country in the game". (source: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/public-discussion-f8/radical-reform-t573.htm


-Congressionator Ariel David Buena urges Congress to officially designate itself a Senate because he says it sounds more "bad-ass". Opinions are divided. (source: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/council-senate-house-which-t571.htm; http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/council-senate-house-which--819150/1/20)

Day 562


-Happy Vanish Varnish/We Kicked the Living Daylights Out of the Varnish Day to all!

-Bad news. BBB announces in the Council of State forums that we lost our bid for a Q5 hospital from Aurum to the Canadian government. We offered 200 GOLD. Canada offered 350 GOLD. The government is now in search of a new contractor. (Source: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/here-they-come-t535-20.htm)

-Congress member Mr. Dimagiba 2.0 publishes the agenda for the June 7 Congressional IRC Meeting. The meeting will touch on topics such as the national bank, PEACE, future MPPs, and the military, among others.(source: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/council-of-state-f7/congressional-irc-meeting-t533-40.htm)

-Department of Home Affairs Director Keitarour is no longer a Congress member. Current Location: Indonesia.

Editor's Note: As some (or quite possibly none) of you have noticed, the number of "news" articles published in The Outsider have decreased. I joined eRepublik thinking that I could solely focus on developing a career in journalism. However, starting with my appointment to the labor department and subsequent election to Congress, my eLife has been embroiled in politics and nation-building ever since. I now have to constantly switch between my roles as statesman, bureaucrat, businessman and journalist to be effective, and it has taken its toll on my news-writing.

Despite my best efforts, I cannot do it alone. So, I implore all our writers with an interest in news- or editorial-writing to churn up some more stories or features. Elyzza, Kameha, Agent JC Denton, and others, where are you? Let's get this thing roling. The people need news. They need you

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June 4 or 5, 2009

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