800 Days of Pure Hell

Day 1,505, 13:28 Published in USA USA by MISCmeatheadMilitia

Well let's see, I have no idea where to begin...

800 days...

Eight.... Hundred

Say it with me now....

Eight Hundred Days!

This is ridiculous with a capital FUCKING

Honestly... sit there in your chair, in your boxers or panties 😉 and ask yourself... what are you doing here? What enjoyment do you get out of eRep? How many games can you say you've stayed around and played for more than a year?

Anyway, yes this is just another one of my random articles that have no rhyme or reason but have pictures of who knows what and has me rambling about rambling.

I just felt it necessary to post something for lasting 800 days, that's a nice round number to end things on.

So without further rambling, I'd like to wish you all a wonderful life, eRep and in RL.

It has been real getting to know some of you, mostly on IRC.

I wont sit here and stroke the egos of those of you who I'm talking about. But if you're sitting there going, yeah, he's talking about me. I probably am not. Just keeding WUB you! I probably am talking about you.



Age: N/A
Strength: 2500
Minimum Rank: Lt Colonel***
Minimum Influence Per Fight with No Weapon: 550

Thanks For Dropping By!
