8. mart SRB/ENG

Day 2,300, 07:35 Published in Serbia Serbia by stefano12

Izlazi zena, koja igra erepublik, iz autobusa. Vidi jednog decka, i jednu devojku koja ide prema njemu. Shvata da je to jedan lep zaljubljen par. Misli o tome, misli o danasnjem danu, o 8. martu. Kad odjednom stize joj poruka na telefon. Sta moze da pomisli, nego, da joj neko ko je voli salje poruku da joj cestita.
Uzima telefon u ruke, otvara poruku:

@DBrontes: UDAR U 15:35

Srecan 8. mart svim zenama o/ 😉

Outputs women who play eRepublik, the bus. Look a guy and a girl who goes to him. And she realized that it was a nice couple in love. She thought about it, thought about today, about 8. March (Women's Day). When suddenly arrives to her message on the phone. What they may think, then some who likes to send a message to congratulate her.
He takes the phone in hand, opens the message:

@DBrontes: FIGHT AT 15:35

Happy Women's Day to all women o/ 😉

P.S. Sorry for google translite ! 😛