2008 - Accomplishments this year

Day 398, 04:28 Published in by Plato

The first days of this year were great moments of joy that citizens wanted to mark by offering gifts to one another. Out of the benevolent desire of 10.000 citizens, the gift industry was born. The concept of a “contract” emerged in those days and some visionary citizens from Ireland even thought about making a constitution.

February was the month of visual improvements – many visual tweaks were implemented in eRepublik - the most interesting ones being the country page (with the now famous tabs: Society, Economy, Politics and Military appearing) and the Human Resources page which was also redesigned.

One month later, the term “republic” was defined by the first major improvements for presidents (budget administration, taxes administration and “change citizen fee” page were redesigned, also trade agreements and mutual protection pacts were introduced). It was clear for everyone that the countries of the New World were presidential republics. Also, by the introduction of “Tops” (later known as “Best of” and now known as “Rankings”), it became possible to better compare citizens, companies, newspapers, parties or even countries. A new form of tax was also introduced – the now defunct house tax.

When Caesar replaced Plato in April, citizens knew that the war module would affect the New World's environment. But not everyone thought about conquering the world. Romania and Moldavia decided to make a union through referendum, Cristesco and elena.coman were the first marriage in eRepublik, the first wig party in Spain, the first community meeting took place in Bucharest, the current Contact page appeared and the official Wiki was launched.

Important economic tools like the Inflation system and five decimals in the Monetary Market (known in the past as the “Exchange Market”) were added at the half of this year. Also, citizens were getting more experienced on the battlefield, -Alucard Bloodlust becoming the first general in the New World.

While the majority of citizens were doing a great job sending their enemies to the hospitals, both the new version of the eRepublik Blog and the creation of the History page in the Wiki passed by almost unnoticed five month ago. The addition of Slovenia was cheered and parades were held in celebration of the new country.

On 14th of October, V1 was launched bringing many improvements to the New World and after a few weeks of fine-tuning a real new world baby boom. Citizens could now shout, donate items and get a better sense of their experience level. Finding a job became a lot easier with the help of the “Human Resources” office that replaced the traditional “Post a CV” feature. Useful information also became more accessible once the Wiki was integrated in eRepublik.

Researchers finally put together a map showing where Raw Materials could be found and how productive land-work companies would be in those regions. These raw materials affected the New World on a large scale. Goods of a quality never seen before were now being offered on the new markets. Higher quality houses and hospitals were being produced to offer better support for the citizens. Organizations emerged and fights for resources became as fierce as those of soldiers on the battlefield. As Defense Systems were integrated to help secure important regions, the war module was changed as well.

But with the new version, the improvements did not stop. eRepublik had its one year anniversary and in the same month the members of Congress realized that they were going to be very busy: they were now representatives of their region and had a say in the issuing of national currencies as well as new laws with even the power to impeach the president.

Recently, we have added Croatia and our team members got back from LeWeb with tons of ideas. According to some citizens, the second World War is reshaping the New World map.

As a special present from the eRepublik Team, from now on citizens will have 20 slots available in their inventories by default instead of 10 slots (also the citizens/organizations that have an active extra storage package, the limit of this package will be extended with one month ). Find out more about this present here.

Best regards,
The eRepublik Team.