The Volunteer State Exclusive

Day 397, 15:00 Published in USA Bulgaria by Jewitt

The following is a compiled article written; giving commentary on the candidates in eTennessee as well as comparisons between the two major players; Donovanator (AAP) and Jewitt (UCP). Davduke (USWP) is a silent figure and has posted very little. This article has been written on the 21st of December, 2008, and these are the only three registered candidates as of yet.

Davduke (USWP)

Davduke ran for the last mandate against Zudak (Libertarian) and lost by 6 votes, where Zudak won with 18 and Davduke made 12. The only oher candidate is the now-dead citizen WereWyrm (UCP) which had 5 votes. Since Zudak's running, he has not been active on the off-site congressional forums and has not voiced Tennessean opinion in debates.

Davduke has made little to no motions since the elections, and few can recall ever seeing him on the off-site forums or on the rizon chat with other major eAmericans. His news paper, the Roadrunner, has made only one article since the end of those elections in November: His platform for December.

Obviously, Davduke is not active and will probably be another Zudak; a voiceless vote. However, in the sake of honesty, let's assume he will pick up in activity. At his platform, he mentions key points which are quite ridiculous.

1. Defense System: "Tennessee is blessed to have a Q3 Hospital, but we can always do better, as congressman, I will strive to supply Tennessee with the best of the best." This is a fairly short-sighted sentence. Jewitt and Donovanator both have mentioned their plans for how to do this, but Davduke only lists what he wants to do; not how he will do it.

2. Minimum Wage: "the 1.00 USD minimum wage may need to be adjusted according to rising prices in food and gifts," obviously written by one not learned in economics, as food prices rise the last thing one wants to do is cause an inflation. Raising the minimum wage would do nothing but cause a strain on local businesses and thus bring up the costs of food as well. Something Davduke ignores is foreign competition flooding our markets and raising our prices.

3. War: His entire synopsis of war is quite ridiculous. "We need a war to bring back the dying parts of our economy, namely the Gifts, Weapons, Iron and Diamond areas." Although this is true, he infers war games and miniature "game" wars where no one loses but everyone wins. The ensuing deficit would harm our treasury and surely come out of the tax payer's pockets. War is a natural occurrence that hawks should not call for whenever prices drop or rise.

4. My History: Although it should not be touched such as ethnicity and race should be left out of politics, he shadows his activity by saying he logs on every day "an hour to 2 a day to run my business and see whats happening," surely saying he may be an active choice, but from previous evidence we cannot say that.

In all, Davduke is a silent candidate and will probably only attract votes from those which vote along party lines. His platform is flawed and he gives no actual thought, only positions and viewpoints. Congressmen are here to decide how to do things, not just what they want to do.

Jewitt and Donovanator

Disclaimer: This news paper is owned and operated by Jewitt, but this article is written by two sources, Jewitt himself and a third party. All research, political understanding, and economic theory is from Jewitt and I have transcribed them for him. This particular section is meant to be as close to neutral as possible.

Jewitt was eBorn in Tennessee and is a CEO and acting President of Jewron Incorporated, a not-for-profit financial conglomerate and owner and Chief Editor of The Jewitt Report. He is a known figure on the rizon chat server and on the eUS off-site forums. He is also active with his party, the UCP.

He began his political career as Ambassador of the Jews, being the liaison between occupied eIsrael and eUSA. He continues his position to this day, and aids in economic discussion in the congressional forums and on the rizon chat server. He gained satirical and serious support with his "Jewitt can do it!" campaign.

Donovanator was eBorn in Tennessee as well. Both are residents of Tennessee in-real-life; however Jewitt admits to being born in Norfolk, Virginia. Donovanator was born, raised, and currently lives in Tennessee out side of the game as well as in-game. Donovanator is also well known on the rizon chat server and has interacted on off-site forums as well.

His political career began recently when he announced he would run for congress, competing with Jewitt and Davduke. His entrance brought great support and his "Donovanator can do it BETTER" campaign has made him an overnight hero.

Hospital: A major debate has been Tennessee's having a Q3 Hospital, and both candidates have plans to expand it to a Q4. Hospitals are used during war to heal injured servers, the better the Quality the more a soldier is healed. Both candidates agree; Tennessee is the Volunteer State and should be given the best hospitals to ensure they can stay in Tennessee to fight instead of moving to Florida (where a Q5 rests) or Texas (a Q4).

Donovanator, however, wishes to bring funds for the hospital through a non-profit donation-led organization to save up and purchase the hospital. The downside of this plan being that it would take a while and donations are very slim, especially with the current down turn in the economy. However, if successful, all Donovanator would have to do is instruct the President of the plan and convince him/her to stay loyal once the money is transferred from the organization to the national treasury. It is also commented that Donovanator's plans include his own private funding for a hospital; noble yet costly, and would depending on individual incomes.

In his article "Dear Tennesseans - plz read," Donovanator says, "but I do want to make sure YOUR dollar goes to YOUR state- There's nothing worse (I believe) than paying taxes in Tennessee and then that money goes to a hospital in Washington ,or Etc."

Jewitt sees the upgrade as being a work in congress, where he will debate that Tennessee -due to its growing population- deserve a better quality hospital. He has also pledged to make a formula for all states to figure what quality hospital is appropriate. The downside of this is that by working with congress, he would have to convince the majority of the members to pass the bill to pay for the new hospital and would have to convince the serving President to place it in Tennessee.

Here, via this article, Jewitt has said through personal interview, "We are a single country and should act like it. Yes, it makes no sense for a nearly unpopulated state like Connecticut to get a better hospital than Tennessee, but it all helps the union. I am confident, however, that our growing population and the right representation in congress will bring us the better hospital we need."

Taxes: This is more of an agreement for both Donovanator and Jewitt. When it comes to specifics, they vary slightly.

Jewitt's views on import taxes on raw materials (RM) is that all import taxes should reflect market trends and should be adjustable as the market changes. Donovanator says that all import taxes on the RM should be low or nonexistent.

Both agree that on manufactured and constructed products such as homes, weapons, gifts, and food, that there should be high import taxes. At current, both have admitted that the eUS has enough suppliers that are domestic and that we do not need foreign competition to come in and undermine them.

Ideologies: Both are quite similar with little variation. Donovanator has been a self-described supporter of capitalism, free speech, low resource taxes, congress and citizen relation, and encouraging activity with other eTennesseans. Jewitt mirrors these points and has even started a topic on the off-site eUSA Forum for Tennsseans.

However, they also vary. Jewitt is against war (Also calle😛 "RAWR") unless it is needed to stimulate the economy and there are few alternative options that will work. Donovanator, however, is for occasional war to aid in the stimulation of the economy and keeping it regular. Both admit that war has its great benefits in raising wellness, experience points, interaction with citizens, government, and military, and bettering the image of eUSA abroad.

Both are strongly against "liberal" politics, which comes to no surprise as Jewitt is a well known economist and Donovanator a heavily subscribed media critic. What does come as a surprise is their varying opinions on Big Government.

Big Brother: Jewitt is a supporter of Big Government, stating that a larger government increases demand in goods and allows for more eCitizen interaction in the nation abroad. He argues that the costs are not large, either, as most government positions are not paid for (save for military leaders and congressmen). Donovanator is against Big Government, seeing it as a perceived waste of funds and placing too much bureaucracy in the system of eRepublik and eUSA.

Both agree, however, that government communication and participation with citizens is the most effective way to bring activity and enjoyment to the game.

Socialism: Both are heavily against socialism.

Donovanator acknowledges that the only way to buy a hospital or defense system is for the government to purchase it. He has stated he would accept this form of socialism, but is against all other forms.

Jewitt's newspaper used to be called Laissez-faire, which is the economic theory of little or no government interaction in the economy. Jewitt is also against socialism and social programs. He is also against a state-funded gifting program. His reasons are, "so many political parties and organizations have gift exchange programs now and cost little or nothing, it makes no sense for the nation to make the tax payers pay for a gifting program that they could get for free in multiple places in the nation."

Donovanator has made no public comments on a national gifting program, but it is believed from his past statements he would be against it as well.

Equality: Again, both are quite similar.

Both believe that all opinions, view points, and doctrines that are not against the rules in the Terms and Conditions of eRepublik should be allowed. "It makes no sense to discriminate," says Jewitt. Donovanator has expressed the same in his latest news articles.

The recent USWP scandal on charges of treason has further enforced both Donovanator and Jewitt as reasoning beings; Jewitt wrote an article requesting for evidence to be given and Donovanator said that the allegations were just outrageous.


Davduke was left out of this comparison because of his limited platform information and lack of interaction with the eUS Community. Donovanator and Jewitt both have been focused on for three reasons:

1. They are relatively new, yet well known, figures and both are from Tennessee.
2. Both will be running as some of the youngest congressmen on record. Jewitt and Donovanator will be a month and a half old, respectively, as they both were eBorn at about the same time.
3. The popularity of their campaigns has brought about knock-offs of their article titles from well-known politicians such as Leviathann, Former General William Shafer, and others. Their rumored "planned" debates also brought great excitement and interest.

Both Donovanator and Jewitt would make great representatives of Tennessee to D.C., as they both are daily active and very voiced in their similar opinions. They have taken shots at each other's values and character, but have done so humorously. Both have become very close through this election, and Donovanater even said "we're like counterparts." Jewitt put it a little further and said "If he was Jewish, we could be eTwins."

Regardless, as long as Davduke does not get elected, Tennessee has a sure win. It just seems, through our evidence and his activity trends, that he may be another repeat of Zudak.

So, Tennessee! When December the 25th comes along, vote based on platforms and their activity, not their political party!

-Mike Wolverton, Correspondent

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To Do List:

Go to Jewitt's Platform here

Go to Donovanator's Platform here

Go to Davduke's Platform here

Remember to subscribe, vote this article, and vote on the 25th of December. There are some rumors that the elections have been moved to the 24th, and this is not true.