Donovanator can do it BETTER.

Day 392, 09:45 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

(if this might be too lengthy try this)

About me and MY campaign
I am running for congress-Tennessee. A state that I have lived in my whole life.( In rl).An opportunity to give eTennessee back what they have given me is a great opportunity.

I am running underneath the AAP ticket, but to let you a'll know I am right sided- NOT Liberal. (( AT all!)). I did this for Uncle Sam invited me to. I believe in voting for a person not the party. ( If you know what I mean.)

I do believe I am endorsed by the NP

This is my starting eRep political campaign, and I would want you to know that a have some experience in the virtual economic affairs. I have experienced many economic ( Real and not real) simulations.
I want you all to know that I am well informed in what goes on in eAmerica - I write one of the most informational newspapers around.

My Beliefs and Pro's and Antis

My intentions are good ones.

~Pro- Flat Tax

~Pro- Low Tax ( Especially (( As a state)) Low wood taxes since this is our major job influence it would be wise to let it grow.)

~Pro- Military

~Pro- Better Health Care.

~Pro- Free Market Health Care.....( I am thinking of starting an organization that if you donate money to it that it will go to buying Tennessee a new q4 hospital- So that way it'll be lighter on the government's back, and they can afford lower taxes. If I am elected into congress that will give a big thumbs up to do this.)

~Pro- Congress and Citizen relation. ( Meaning I am open to comments, suggestions and recommendations )

~ Pro MPP ( yes I do know what a MPP is unlike that other congress guy (( See i have more experience already.))

~ Anti- Bureacrats
~ Anti- Unions

In Detail

Having said all this I want you to know that low taxes would be good for Tennessee's business strength and prospeirity.Economy is what lets us thrive, live , and carry on our daily goals- It's a folly to increasingly tax it.

Our military is the best in the world.......'nuff said - i wouldn't want to act agaisnt it, but instead be a representative to say we want to perfect it- more. I serve in the eMilitary as it is and will always fight alongside each and every one of you. Funding will be Predominate ( And to tell you the truth my Rl goal is to serve the Us by joining the military (( through West Point)).

As you already read. I promise I will start an organization to pay for a q4 hospital ( may not pay for all of it, but I plan to do as much as I can within the month to complete.), so Voting for me will be a thumbs up for one of these considering that this would mean that you personally are voting to represent that you want a semi free-market hospital, and in doing so you will allow for you -yourself to donate to it, knowing that it will go for a cause that Tennessee needs, and making sure your goes for YOUR state to have a q4 hospital- instead of your money ( Through tax) going to pay for a different state.

What I mean by "Pro-Congress and Citizen Relation" is that I believe that the relationship between congress and citizens should be strong. So I urge any of you to pm me suggestions during office ( If I am in congress - Which I have high hopes of.). Of course I will always have right winged principles that are hard core and will not be changed.

I am pro-mpp with any close friend of eAmerica for we should gather our friends to over shadow the enemy in fear. So that way our allies can help us without having them buy moving tickets to help us. ( Because if we need help why should they have to pay? and vice versa.)

All of these principles are what Tennessee's foundation is made out of ,but right now the foundation is made out of mud- it'll stick but someone has to clean up the mess- ,and I want to turn that mud into brick. My Beliefs and actions will be to serve you -

For the people, By the people.

Thanks for your time and god bless you for it.