6 Months of eRepublik!

Day 836, 12:42 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

September 5, 2009- Sam Krakower has joined eRepublik.

March 5, 2010- Sam Krakower has played eRep for 6 months!


I can't believe it has been 6 months of me first coming to eIsrael, to the Jerusalem District, not having a clue what to expect. Sure, I had played other Online Strat games, but what of it? Was this one any better than the rest?

Hell yeah.

The people Ive met, from UZSP to Sababa, Knesset to President's, and EVERYTHING in between, has been awesome. In my time here, I've done many things. Now seems like a good time to amaze myself as I think about everything I've done in my 6 month tenure here.

- 4 time KM Jerusalem
- 2 time KM Beersheba South
- Knesset Finance Committee Chair (2 terms)
- Speaker of the Knesset

- Private in the IDF Defense Corps
- Sergeant in the IDF Defense Corps (2 services)
- IDF Training Corps XO (Rank of Major)
- Director of Mossad
- Colonel in-game
- 2 Super Soldier Medals
- 11.12 Strength

- One of the first IPP members
- UZSP Communications Director (4 terms)
- UZSP Party President

- 5-time Hard Worker
- Level 19
- Editor of Coexist Jerusalem
- 6.76 Manufacturing Skill
- National Rank: 72

- Vice Minister of Justice
- Vice Minister of Defense
- Nominated as Vice Minister of Finance (took vMoD job)

All of that.


So whats next?
Well, next for me is running for Party President again. I did a pretty good job so far, and I'll do it again. Then, Knesset again. And then, on April 5, I intend to be a candidate for the Presidency of eIsrael. So that's whats coming up in the life and times of Sam Krakower.

Oh vote and subscribe, please 😃 I'd like people to know this, and stuff I'll write later.

By the way, GREAT RACE for Presidency right now! Congrats to SVV and Sadeh!

Yours in eIsrael's hands (for 6 months 😃),

Sam Krakower