5n4keyes September Presidential Manifesto

Day 1,019, 09:35 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes
August Overview

August, the month that should off been July. Upon being elected, I set to work to repair the damage of being unprepared for v2, things such as really pushing to revive the private sector of business, this in turn allowed several companies to change there customisation points, and more importantly brought about a lot of jobs onto the market.

This month also saw Ireland be attacked, for the first time in its history, this lead to us loosing some parts of our country, but thanks to some amazing work organising our allies, and some well timed counter attacks, we saw Ireland be restored. Tho throughout all this fun, and fighting, came the cost of war.

Our Finance has been worked on big time, allowing us to maintain some MPPs, and maintain some broken MPPs, and although we haven't fully recovered from the fighting, Ireland has managed to regain a lot of GOLD, very quickly. This has been done from donations, tax changes, and playing with the MM, added to this we have hunted down every state ORG we can find, and returned all money to the Banc.

Growth and retention this month are some of the highest we have ever seen in Ireland, we have grown far beyond the aim of 10%, and have managed to retain most of the newbies. This is mostly down to the first contact of recruiting, and the amazing work being carried out by our new citizens ministry!

We have overhauled the IDF, and are in the final process of making NF what it should of been all along, our most active soldiers, a team, a unit, ready to deploy at a moments notice. We have ensured that we have enough stock to rage war, we have deployed many many times this month, to help people such as South Africa, Philippines and Canada, we have even helped save Sarah Palin from the Russians!

Overall, we have revived Ireland, and set us up for a lot of growth, economically and military wise.

Misconceptions of August

August saw a lot of things happen, and saw a lot of things wanting to happen, but August was mostly about fixing what needed to be fixed. When IBhoy was impeached, he left a country which was not prepared for v2, we had no jobs, very inefficient companies, and tons of worthless products on the market, and to add to all this, we had active war open with the UK, who in turn had 11MPPs.

One major misconception is that the country is poor, this is hugely untrue, when I was elected, we had about 820G in the Banc, currently we have about 520G, this is down 300G. But! we have spent far far more than 300G in just restoring Ireland after it was invaded by the UK. We have upgraded the IDF, improved some of our state companies, helped a lot of companies get back on track and start running and employing again.

Another misconception is that the IDF is failing, this is wrong, the IDF has been greatly improved, both back end, and how it is run, there are many other new things being developed, just because they aren’t published doesn't mean nothings happening! Have you ever found yourself without supplys?

Economics, ah the big one for this election, and something nobody you elect can solve, the economics of eRepublik are very very complicated, and the only way to fix Ireland, would be with a major investment of GOLD, that probably the whole of Ireland together, doesn't have. Instead this month we have done all we can to ensure we get the funds needed to run the country, ensured that in turn with these funds every single citizen can get work, and with education we have shown company owners how to run there companies correctly!

Ireland is not in a black hole, far from it, anyone who says otherwise is purely trying to reinstate fear for votes. Ireland is improving, day by day, and given we cannot change how the game mechanics work, we are functioning pretty damn well considering.

War and The IDF

Ireland, sadly, is positioned probably in one of the lowest country bordering places in the eWorld, this means currently our only offensive, would be to attack the UK. Although attacking the UK is more than possible, and even winning is a strong possibility, retaining any areas we take are almost impossible. This sadly makes attacking the UK not viable financially. Note this is without considering the activation of multiple more MPPs against us.

My vision for Ireland, is that we become fighters for other nations, we defend countries who need us, we defend our allies, and fight alongside our allies, we become a country which is first to be called into battle when extra firepower is needed.

What does this mean? It means that we are going to look at new ways to coordinate the IDF, we have already been testing several new ideas with smaller groups of people, such as Teamspeak, which should make us a better fighting force.

In short, more troops being deployed, more coordination, more information!

New Citizens

With the success of the past month in recruiting and retaining newbies, I really want to take recruitment of new citizens to a whole new level. Now that Ireland is more economically stable, and jobs are on offer, I plan to really expand the recruitment and new citizens ministries.

We will be looking at new ways to recruit new citizens, not just from forums from around the web, possibility's include advertising, possible slot on an Irish TV show (currently being worked on by one of our citizens), and probably the most easy method, word of mouth!

Ireland is its citizens, the more of us there are, the better, stronger and more amazing we are!


With the changes to skills coming, this will improve productivity, and more importantly production of products, this will make it easier to produce things such as hospitals, defence systems, and housing. But what use is all this without having a market to sell on?

So, September will see State Loans reinstated, last month we had to stop these due to the War and the unknown costs involved, but this should help with exports and upgrades.

Our MM gets attacked all too often, this makes things hard for our business to trade IEP and GOLD, thus the Banc will be setting up an ideal exchange rate, and Irish Citizens will then be able to contact the MoF and trade via the Banc, rather than having to deal with the volatile and uncontrollable MM.

Taxes, to be honest are pretty fair, and still some of the cheapest in the eWorld, for the moment there is no real need for them to change, however, we will monitor things carefully, and see if there are any areas in which we could lower them.


Ministers this month will be delt with the same as last month, NO positions will be filled before the end of the elections. I wish to keep the process open for anyone and everyone to apply, an example of a minister who probably wouldnt of been picked by the usual support = minister position method adopted by other candidates in the past, are KarlKorne, who, has been an amazing MoFA! and seriously worked his backside off!

So once again, ministers are decided if I win, and anyone wanting to be a minster has to apply, AFTER the elections!

Why Vote 5n4keyes

Why vote for me again? well, whenever your going to build something great, you sadly need to do a lot of the boring groundwork first, and setup strong, solid foundations before you can begin to build upwards.

Ireland’s foundations are now set, I have strong aims to see Ireland become the country everyone calls first for help in battle, a country that will help out friends in need, and smaller countries who need our help.

Sadly too many times before strong foundations have been formed, and then a president is voted out, or simply doesn’t run again, lets not have to rebuild the foundations once more, allow me a second term to continue with, Ireland Rising.
