5n4keyes Presidential Campaign - Goals

Day 986, 15:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes
Campaign Goals

Increase Population 10% - I want a baby boom!! I feel that 10% is about another 150/160 people, hopefully we will retain atleast 33% of them, thanks to the work being done on the new citizen message and wiki, giving us atleast 50 new people!

Increase GDP 5% - Well this is always broken, but one can always hope the admins fix it! however with our economy coming back alive due to work in the past week, our GDP is certain to rise, and well 5% is in fairness pretty low compared to what I beleive will happen.

Keep current regions - We can hope eh?

My Goals

The problem I had with my manifesto, was that in being president, its always hard to write what you want to do, but in a way ive had an advantage, you have now had about a week of me, and in this time I have begun to revive our economy, the private sector is coming alive, the state is again producing in all areas.

However as a goal, we need to prepare Ireland for the worst, at any stage the UK could, and probably will attack. Its ok to think that this wont happen, and that oh, Ireland is worthless, but they dont have to wipe us out, just simply take a few regions. This is why we need to be ready for this!

What does this mean? well both the IDF and ICA need to function, regardless of how each of these are viewed, working together they form Irelands defence against the rest of the world, not having one of these function seriously harms Ireland. We also need to ensure that we have weapons stockpiled, our state companies are hard at work producing weapons for all areas, but alot more need to be produced.

Finally, GOLD, a war cannot happen without it, we need to not waste GOLD, and insted stockpile to ensure that we have enough to fight back, both with resistance wars, and for our soldiers, as nice as it is to think about attacking the UK for the sake of it, or spending money upgrading, or even lending our vast sums of GOLD, we have to think about our countries survival.


This is something that ive been asked alot in the last few days, so much so that it would appear that atleast one of my fellow candiates offers Ministry positions for backing, and even for votes, this is not how I intend to run things at all.

Ministry positions are open for everyone, if you apply, I will try and ensure you have a position somewhere! there is going to be alot of work to do next month!

I personally don't like having ministers who gain positions purely for votes, I would much rather have people apply for a job they want to do, than have ministers who inherit a job. Ministers who are doing a job they want to do, last longer, have a much higher productivity, and overall have more fun!

Vote 5n4keyes

Yes, vote 5n4keyes!

In the past week, ive proved I can do the job as president, and that I know what our core issues are, and I have been able to solve many of them! Our job market, now has jobs, many of which now have reasonable pay! Our private sector has begun its revival process, ive spoken and helped alot of companies get back on track. All this improves the Irish economy!

Ive put fourth ideas which will devlop into one of the first countrys to provide massive amounts of help for our newbies, via the wiki! all with the aim of retaining those new citizens Ireland gets, this will pave the way for us to go on a recruitment spree!

I have aided both the IDF and ICA, and have tried to ensure both are back on track, and ready to defend and fight for Ireland, I understand that altho both work differently, both need to function!

So, on the 5th, elect someone who understands the issues, understands the thread of the UK, and more importantly, understands whats needed to ensure Ireland survives, epic ideas of mass change are nice, but will they ensure Ireland survives another month?
