5 Years of MaartenW

Day 2,123, 15:50 Published in Denmark Netherlands by MaartenW
5 years ago on 13 September 2008 I registered my account with the private beta invite I received from AngeloG, a RL friend of mine.

Well I am not sure what to write in here ... I think ... Thanks, yes thanks will do. Thank you all my friends (you know who you are) for making being here worth while everyday, your kindness and friendship is the reason I've been around here for this long.

I have been wondering myself on several occasions what idiot sticks so long to such a silly browser game, until I diagnosed myself with an extreme form of eRepublia or eRepublik MADNESS in the common tongue.

A person with symptoms of eRepublia. Oh in the background one of the many eNetherlands meetings and the ending of the Netherlands - Denmark soccer game which the Netherlands lost ... don't you dare laughing you Danes!

You might be wondering where I would use all this mousepads for ... err well

Yes that was pretty useless

Of course I didn't keep them all myself, I have been delivering these mousepads to several persons all over the world!

This is president ilmimi of Indonesia receiving his presidential gift in a nice restaurant in Jogjakarta, I am actually going to meet up with Ilmimi again this Monday in Amsterdam where he will be during the Europetrip with his family.

Actually I am quite busy with eRepublik meetups this month, on the 21st I am going to the eBelgium meeting in Brussels (to which a person called Yannis won't come because this person is rather lame. )

Last eBelgium meeting in Brussels, I am not allowed to tell you this but behind the censored part there is a KGB agent.

And after that on the 22th hurrying back to Amsterdam so I will hopefully be in time to meet up with Gornicetli who will be there for a short time.

With Gornicetli at the Kuşadası castle.

And there are still tons of eRepublik people I'd like to meet 😐 unfortunately I haven't been able to make it to one of the official International meetings yet, I hope I can be there next time. 😁

Well I think it is now time to end this article the way it started ... with a big big big thanks to all my friends, "you keep the spirit alive"

Best Regards,