5 STEPS how PTO groups take over your country AND HOW TO SPOT AND STOP THEM

Day 944, 13:12 Published in Czech Republic Germany by hruschov

PTO is the greatest disease of this game. Many of the PTO groups will say:"It's just another way to play this game!" Well it is not. Because you come to another independent country and you simply enslave it. Along with their population.

In the early days of eRepublik, when there was no citizenship PTO was manly about raiding some countries money. And it was pretty quick. Like a flu. In and out. But not anymore. Today's PTO groups are like cancer. They eat the county from inside out. Very nasty. And they do it slowly. It can go on for months on. And in this time they destroy the countries political live because they force all mayor political parties to work together, political parties that don't have so much common. And that's not all. Off course they will steal your money eventually. But they troll your media whit their articles in which they persuade your public that they are not bad for your county, even more they are the good guys (yeah right). And they kill your eBabies. Enough introducing, lets move on, let me tell you how to stop them.


This is the key step. The first. If you can stop them here you don't have to worry. The task of the infiltrator to gain your counties citizenship (CS). When your counties CS is obtained he can participate in the political live of you country.



At the beginning the infiltrator presents him as someone who is tired of his "old" country or wish to make new friends or something like that. Often he is giving free food or weapons so that he become popular among your countryman. But don't be fooled. It's all a part of a bigger plan - to get into your congress.


Well the best early defense is to be paranoid. About everyone who applies for your CS. Of course you are going to give CS. But be careful. Create a IMMIGRATIONS MINISTRY which only task would be to check the one who are applying for CS. And no congressman can give a CS whit out the permission of the Immigration Ministry. It may sound complicated, but it is not. And it works, at least in Germany.


The goal of every PTO group member is this:

The congress

If he achieves to get a seat in the congress then he has passed the first barrier. And now he can issue CS as he like.


There are two types of wanna be congressman.
1.The PTO-er is probably a new member of your party who is lately very active whit in the party. And is very eager to join the congress as well.
2. A unknown party member who run for congress without consulting with the party president.
But the greatest tell is his level - he is probably going to be a higher level 20+. And lot of his friends are from his original county with the same avatar, probably military or paramilitary.


The type is hard to stop because he likes to gain the trust of the party members as well the members. And again the best thing is to be paranoid - don't let no one be the official candidate who is not a long time party member and if possible check him/her in real life via Facebook or something like that.
But the crucial is to run whit the maximum number of potential congressman per region (you can check it here how many congressman are going to be per region here). When you do so your party president can choose, on the 24th of the month who are going to be in the congress and who not. Well its just important to candidate trusted members. Not all of them have to go to the congress.


If the PTO-er has succeed in his quest which is to get a set in congress he will start to give CS to his former countrymen so that they can form a party and eventually take over the congress. Which they will do.

PTO parties come in all sizes and shapes


The PTO political party is probably going to have some kind of patriotic name - Czech patriots party or a name associated with a part of your county (if there is a RL struggle between regions or people who inhabit your country) Moravian Democratic Party or some generic name whit this pattern. But strangely this new party policy is going to be to ally with your enemies !?
And the new party is going to give away lots free gifts and q2 and q3 food to attract new members, especially eBabies who don't know what is going on.


Well do it same as they. Give free food, gifts etc. The welcome message should have a note that this party is a PTO party. Create training firms and send in game messages to new players about the PTO party, publish articles about this party and reveal them as a PTO group which they are.
And if there are any dead political parties in your country then make your army to PTO them so that the PTO group have to pay 40 gold to create a new party.


The goal of a PTO political party is to be in the top 5 so that you can use step 2 against them (to discard they to be congressman) and so they can choose who of them is going to congress as well to organize the PTO

Top 5


Well if you spotted them while attempting accomplishing the 3rd step you have a chance. If now then its going to be hard to stop them. But there are some hints you can look for - increasing media activity (articles with over 100 votes even your county population is 800), the top 5 articles are written by some people who have media mogul medals (which is over 1000 sub but your county doesn't have more then few thousand citizens), lot and lot and lot and lot of propaganda how your current government its not worthy and how its steals from their citizens just to fund the elite and how neutrality is the best thing it can happen to your county. The writer of the propaganda has your CS but doesn't live in your country, he lives in some strategic region that is important for his original country.
Well don't believe it - because your country is going to be raided, you'll end attacking your allies, your economy is going to be destroyed (by meaningless embargoes - as a result of you attacking your allies or by law)


If you spot it then is time for all your political parties to work together so that the PTO party can not go into top 5 parties. This is important because only top 5 parties can nominate congressman. It can be difficult for a left wing and a right wing party to work together but this is the only way you can save your country. At this moment it over with playing democracy, democracy is no more. No more pushing one another congress men out - now there are just two parties: the PTO party and the you the defenders of your country. And no negotiations with the PTO group because every negotiation brings you closer to loosing your country. And no more multiple country president candidates - just one (1) anti-PTO president.


This can end in one or another way. You can win and the PTO treat goes away. Hard but possible. But more often the PTO group succeed. And you fail

Fail - someone is going to

You fail because you played democracy, because you negotiated with the PTO group thinking you can work something out and that they play fair (they don't, at all).


Your countries treasury is raided, you have no possibility to export your goods, you attack as it pleased someone else (a foreign superpower), you get bombed with propaganda that everything is OK (but it isn't).


Well you can't. You can just hope they go away and that money was all they wanted. If they are in your country because of your geo-strategic location you can expect a long lasting occupation.


As I sad in the beginning a PTO is like a cancer and it will it you from inside out. But luckily there are some possibilities for you to stop the. Its up too you to spot the disease in time and to stop it.

Because the worst thing about PTO is that:

PTO is free mind rape!

It ruins the game for those affected by it.

PTO is free mind rape!